The bricka brackin' boss pissed me off again. PD and I had made plans with our friends from Idaho to do one last dinner before they have to leave for home. I was to get off at 5:45 (so I thought) and we were to do dinner at 6:30. Well the bitch decided she needed to leave early tomorrow and Big Red isn't competent enough to run Candyland so who gets Good old reliable Draco is the one who Boss Bitch relies on. Of course I don't have a better place to go to. I've applied at several but no dice. I would quit in a heart beat but we are trying to buy a house and I need the proof of employment. Once I find a better job it's adios, saionara, etc. PD is pissed too. I come home stressed out and on edge. PD and I fight more because it seems like anything she says sets me off. I don't mean to snap at PD but hearing a female voice or something pisses me off. If PD reads this...I'm sorry for everything. Please have faith.
'nuff said.
I hope you find something else soon...