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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > Boring > Yesterday and Today in a Nutshell

Yesterday and Today in a Nutshell

Have you ever had a day or two when you've just felt "blah"? A time when you can't put your finger on exactly what you're feeling or why? You know nothing is really wrong, but you're a bit bitchy AND a little blue AND a little anxious, yet, in a funny sort of way, you feel pretty good? You're game for doing something, but you really don't feel like doing anything? You're thinking about good things to come, but bad memories pop into mind? You just don't feel very happy about yourself, but you know there really isn't a reason for it?

Well, that's how it's been for me these last couple of days. No, there isn't a darn thing wrong that I can think of that's bad enough or big enough to have caused this. I've just been in a funk, that's all. I guess a common term for what's ailing me is "out of sorts". So, although I've been in and out of Blogster quite regularly to read and comment on posts, I have not done any posting because I didn't feel like writing about anything in particular. I do want to write something, though, so here's everything that's been going on.

Yesterday was a stay-in-all-day-cuz-it's-cold-and-stormy-and-I-don't-have-a-car-or-anywhere-I've-got-to-go-anyway day. Even with lights on and music playing, it was dreary in here. I did do my work and I also managed to brush my ceilings and walls down, bring a few things down to the basement for storage, and write a long-overdue letter. Last night, after Edie got home, we each sat at our own computers, which are in separate rooms, and did our own thing.

There's been no precipitation today, but the heaviness of the gray and all the ice and frozen slush left from last night's change from snow to sleet and rain made this day even more gloomy than yesterday. But, I did go out today for a few hours. Mom picked me up and together we hit the library, the post office, and the grocery store. I was able to pick up a Sue Grafton book to read, get that letter mailed out, and pick up a few grocery items.

Now I am waiting for Edie to come home from work. I'm looking forward to it because she is stopping at an office supply store on the way home to pick up ink cartridges for the regular printer/copier and for the little Photosmart printer.

Well, that's about it. That's everything in a nutshell.

posted on Feb 23, 2008 2:43 PM ()


well,this is a nutshell.Weird.I have days like that,but not
as bad as yours.What we need is warmth,sun,beach etc.
Hang in there will soon be here.
comment by fredo on Feb 23, 2008 2:56 PM ()

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