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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > As the World Turns

As the World Turns

Whether a viewer or not, most people will be familiar with the existence of the show "As the World Turns" and know it to be a soap opera. "As the World Turns" is not only one of the longest running programs on TV, but it has been a pioneer in introducing and/or including characters and storylines addressing numerous subject matters and social issues that are a part of life. Presently, the daily soap includes two young men who are gay and in love. The storyline isn't brand new because it has been developing for awhile and has reached a point where many are "pushing" for the characters to kiss and others, namely sponsors, who may be "pushing" to avoid the kiss.

I believe the kiss will come and I hope it will come. I think that it's time to stop tip-toeing around certain subjects and events. However, I'm going to play devil's advocate here and, although I wish the kissing would start and intimacy be shown, I am going to express an opinion from another point of view;

The fact that the gay relationship exists in the story and CONTINUES as a real part of the main story of characters and events (and not just an inserted event that they introduce, do, and move away from as is so often done) is a really good step because it becomes part of the whole fabric of characters, lives and, therefore, reality.

Now, about the kiss,'s where I can play devil's advocate...the longer they hold off "doing that kiss", the story will continue to develop the characters and their love, meaning ALL of their emotions, their relationships with other people and situations, and the reality of their being a part of society. This will build upon all that is TRUE in the every day lives and relationships of gay people, separate and inclusive of all people. And it will do so without a message that every gay relationship has to do with sex or includes sex!

"We" keep telling everyone that sexual orientation isn't sex, or the same as having sex...that sex isn't all that we are or care about. "We" keep telling everybody that we really aren't different just because we prefer to "couple" with someone from the same sex because our feelings and how we live and do things are the same as other people, regardless if there are intimate relationships going on or not. Let the viewers see the love, the heartaches, the normal day-to-day chores and social encounters and illnesses and celebrations of gay people so that they see and embrace gay people "in the mix" as normally as they would consider anybody else. Let the audience see that they can be good or bad, healthy or sick, sweet or miserable, in love or hurting, etc.

In time, the kiss (and maybe even more visible intimacy) will come and it will all seem NORMAL if it isn't handled or shown in any way to suggest that it is different than kisses and intimacy between any couple. When a relationship grows in people's hearts, then those "coming together" moments are celebrated and applauded. People start "feeling" for those people and becoming a part of them and their lives.

Viewers then will not want anyone or anything to interfere with the existence of characters by "outsiders" who are trying to interfere. They will object to censorship and will have an effective, persuasive influence on the executives of the show and sponsors.

If, however, anything is done too fast, too soon, in some way as to create discomfort or shock for viewers who may not be ready for it, in spite of those who are pushing for it, censorship might succeed because there may be "regular" viewers who might be uncomfortable and/or offended who will be on the side of the censors. If people feel separated from the characters, don't relate in some way, feel challenged or alienated by "strangeness", they might wish to see it dismissed and disposed of and will support the views of the censors. Even some who may object to censorship after given a chance to "warm up" to the characters, may not object if they still remain in an "I don't care" state of mind or the kiss comes before they are ready.

I do want to see that kiss and a realistic relationship on that show. But, I think waiting a little bit longer won't hurt. Let viewers keep watching the characters and the relationship develop. Then they can see that sex does exist when that kiss does happen. Then, let intimacy become just as normal with the gay couple as it is with the other couples on the show.

Soap operas tend to show that everybody is quick to jump into bed and have sex. Sex on soaps doesn't surprise anybody anymore, whether it's for love, to destroy a relationship, or as a means to accomplish something. Let's not let the sex that might exist between these two characters be anything that is just a soap opera scene. Let it really be a joyous moment that delivers a message. Once that becomes comfortable and real, then gay people can finally be like everybody else. You wait and you will see a time when there will be gay people who will take an opportunity to "jump into bed", and scenes will be written for them to make love, to cause breakups, and to use as a means, just like anybody else in a soap opera. But by this time viewers will also now know that a real normal relationship can exist, too.

posted on Mar 5, 2008 9:17 AM ()

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