The second half of the week has since come and gone, with merely a few hours left before Edie's back to her usual routine. So, how did the rest of the week go? Well, I'll tell you now.
It turned out that the car did only need the oil changed and some air in one of the tires, so the service was fast and it didn't break the piggy bank. We also got to spend a couple of hours doing one of my least favorite things...we went to the laundromat and enough said about that.
But, as a special treat, while I was out cleaning houses all day on Saturday, Edie make a wonderful corned beef and veggie meal in the crockpot so we could have a nice dinner AND I wouldn't have to lift a finger preparing it. We also watched two movies on TV that we hadn't seen before, "The Wedding Crashers" and "Tommy Boy". And, today, as our final day of Edie's vacation and one that we BOTH were off from work, we went to Roger Williams University here in town to see the university's theater production of "The Fantasticks".
It wasn't the greatest week on record, but it was a fairly good one, none-the-less. But, is is just about over. A part of me is sad about that, but a part of me doesn't mind that things will be getting back to normal again.