I'm expecting today, Saturday, to be a busy, sweaty, rushing, exhausting day with the two housecleaning jobs to do back-to-back (and one has no air conditioning or fans and it's the larger one), the run I have to make to the post office, the stop to put gas in the car (that will be stressful), the attempt to help monitor business calls on what should be my day off from that job because my boss isn't feeling well, getting to the bank before it closes, and picking Edie up at work on time, which is 5:00. So, I figured I should try to start the day with a few chuckles to lighten my mood and possible anxiety a little. Let me share a few things with you and maybe you can enjoy a few chuckles, too.
1. What illness did everyone on the Enterprise catch?
Chicken Spocks
2. What are sleeping prehistoric creatures called?
3. How did the telephones get married?
In a double ring ceremony.
4. How was the Roman Empire cut in half?
With a pair of Caesars.
5. What is a tornado?
It's Mother Nature doing the twist.
6. What happened when the wheel was invented?
It caused a revolution.