The very first Christmas-related thing I made in ceramics.
At the risk of having some laughing at me or commenting that I'm just "too much", I am going to enjoy myself and post this anyway. I happen to love Christmas. Sure, I can get stressed like so many others, I feel it's become way too busy and commercialized, it can set a person back financially at the time of year when many should be preparing for cold, rough winters, and it can bring back some unpleasant memories. So, with all that said, how can I love Christmas so much?
I love Christmas for what it is. It commemorates a special birth that brought people of faith and good will together and continues to do so. Regardless of one's own personal beliefs, there are messages, symbols, and lessons that can be lifted and employed in our own lives. Spiritually, it is full of miracles, signs of God's love and gifts, and a time to rejoice. Churches are filled, carols are performed and heard, candles are lit, and scenes of the Nativity are displayed.
Aside from the spiritual connections, there are many, many more things that are wonderful about Christmas that I just love. The holiday's music is special, there is tremendous artwork all around, there are a variety of types of entertainment to be enjoyed on television, screen, and stage, and there are the lights and colors that surround us. Think of the holiday cookies, cakes, and pies. And, it's a time when my family comes together.
Well, Christmas is over and a New Year has begun. For most, this means "Christmas is over for another year", but I love Christmas so much that I stretch the holiday beyond January 1 and allow it to surround me until the first weekend after January 6, better known as Little Christmas. I begin to put some of the things away on January 1 and continue to put some things away each day, but there will always be some Christmas around until at least January 7. Then, on the first weekend after Little Christmas, "my" Christmas season officially comes to an end and all remaining holiday decorations are put away.
On the last full day of having Christmas around me, I usually take one last look at whatever still remains because I know I will be packing it all away and storing it again until the next December rolls around. So, I thought I might share a little of "a touch of Christmas" with you before it is all put away.
Mind you, by now, a lot of decorations have been removed, so some things may appear a bit bare or not nicely displayed. However, I'd like to share the items in particular with you and not necessarily the backgrounds or the unsightly things.

The table tree...a "leftover" from the travel agency I used to manage before it closed. The train really works. Sorry about the mess on the shelves at the time of the photo, but there are various Disney-related items, some Christmas-related, on those shelves.

A few cute items I just happen to love. Except for Rudolph, the other pieces are part of my salt & pepper collection.

A large Disney snowglobe (musical) that Edie gave me last year as a Christmas gift. Santa and Mrs. Claus are salt & pepper shakers.

Edie loves carousels. This "animated" music box was a Christmas gift from me to her a number of years ago.

Sorry about the clutter, but the items in the background will be replacing the items in the foreground as soon as I start packing away remaining Christmas decorations. This picture is to draw attention to the Three Kings. They are ceramic pieces I made over twenty years ago. (Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy, maybe they'll show up clearer in a picture next year.)

Another thing I made in ceramics back in the 80's...I was still classified a "beginner".

Here's a couple of my favorite "stuffies". Santa comes from the old travel agency and the reindeer was a gift from close friend I met while working at that agency. She passed away a few years ago from breast cancer.

Here is one of my most favorite pieces of all. This was made for me by my mother. She knows how much I love and admire St. Francis, all those who love and care for our wildlife, and how much I love Christmas, so this was her way of combining all three in one gift to me.

And, finally, here is what I am most proud of. This was probably the most "involved" project I ever worked on. While others who have made similar sets stained everything in one or just a few shades, I hand painted each and every item to detail, right down to the tiny eyes and tassels. (Notice that each camel's "gear" is color coordinated with the king that rode him.)