My brother made a surprise visit earlier in the day, so he was with us for the evening. Here he is with my mom and dad, doing a little people watching as the crowd was beginning to gather.

Then, after getting out of work, Edie joined us.

This was the view of the harbor when we arrived and then the view as daylight was beginning to wane.
When darkness rolled around, we donned some flexible inter-locking glow sticks. Why? Because we felt like it!

Mom turned angelic.

Dad took on the appearance of an athlete.

During this time, our friend, Kath, joined up with us. We made her wear glow sticks, too, of course. We thought she looked a bit like a TV sit-com character.

Edie, too, got into the act and was trying to look like she was from outer space?

Yeah, yeah, of course I was there, too. I'm the one who looks like a hippie.

Although the above picture isn't the greatest, I had to include it...just to prove that Mother Nature really did co-operate that night. No rain, no mist, no fog...just perfectly clear conditions so that the fireworks show over the harbor did go on!