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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > My May Diary ( Part Three )

My May Diary ( Part Three )

Sunday, May 3: This was a day to visit babies and the two babies we visited live in New Hampshire. Edie and I set out early so we could enjoy as much time with each as possible.

The reason we visited the first baby was because my friend, Diane, and her husband, Bob, were having a birthday party for him at their house. Baby Nicholas was going to enjoy his first birthday with family and friends, and we were among the guests. I enjoyed the time spent there because I feel so close to the family. Diane and I have been friends since kindergarten and we have been a part of each other's lives and life's events ever since. Knowing that her youngest daughter, Christine, wanted us to be there really made me and Edie feel good.

Although the party was in Auburn, Christine, her husband, and Nicholas actually live in Manchester, which is right over the line from Auburn. I only bring this up because Louise, who is a very, very good friend of mine and who was married to my late cousin, Frank, has lived in Manchester all her life. Her daughter is also named Christine, and Christine and her husband live with Louise not all that far from where the other Christine lives. Well, this Christine had a baby last year, too, and we never had the opportunity before this day to go see her. So, after we left Nicholas' party, we drove to Manchester to see Baby Alexis.

Louise insisted that we stay for more than the hour's visit we had planned, so we ended up staying there for supper. This not only gave us time to visit longer, but we also had more time to spend with the baby. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we hated to leave, but we did at about 7:00, meaning we got home just a little after 9:00.

Alexis and her daddy, Keith

Nicholas, the birthday boy

posted on May 27, 2009 8:21 PM ()

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