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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > It Was an Interesting Week

It Was an Interesting Week

I can't say things have been dull around here. There's been enough of "this, that, and the other" to keep things moving right along.

The week started with my dad bringing Edie to work and then going back for her because the car had to be brought in for repairs. The exhaust pipe or muffler or some car "thingy" like that had either let go or was letting go on our way home Saturday night. The garage isn't open on a Sunday, so Edie and I managed to get through that day without a car. I brought the car to the garage early on Monday morning while my dad brought Edie to work again. By Monday afternoon, though, the car was ready. I used this as an opportunity for exercise and I walked to the garage to get it. It's a darn good thing I had the car to ride home in because, after I saw the bill, I could hardly stand up! Another blow was struck (a good one, though) when the mechanic told me to calm down because the bill had already been paid! Turns out that my brother got wind of my car problems from an earlier phone conversation with my mom and he called the garage and paid the bill with his credit card! I CERTAINLY wasn't expecting THAT! I made it home in time to call him to give him all of my thank you's and then went to get Edie at work.

Tuesday was St. Patrick's Day, as you all know. Due to other things going on that day and a tighter schedule than would be on Wednesday, Edie and I just relaxed that night and waited until Wednesday to do anything special. So, it was on Wednesday that we cooked up a nice corned beef and cabbage dinner and had my parents over to join us for dinner.

Wednesday was also my best friend's wedding anniversary, so I spent some time on the phone with her and a little on the phone with her husband when I called to wish them a happy anniversary.

Thursday was St. Joseph's Day, which is the day Edie and I usually enjoy having zeppoles. We usually buy one of these rich and filling Italian pastries for each of us and sometimes will buy one for each of my parents. This year, though, we were unable to get out to get any, so we didn't enjoy one of our most favorite annual treats. But, it was my best friend's husband's birthday, so I was back on the phone with him for awhile, goofing on him and joking with him while wishing him a happy birthday.

Now it is Friday. The first day of spring!!!!! Absolutely nothing dull about that! And, I'm just about ready to knock off from work, so I'm going to go celebrate the arrival of spring by taking a nice long walk!


posted on Mar 20, 2009 1:31 PM ()

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