It was a Tuesday night, so there were hardly any people there at all. That was a good thing because we got a bit loud with our talking and laughing. I'm sure the drinks had something to do with that.

The drinks were pretty tasty, too. Here I am sipping away at my margarita.

Then there was the food. I had these wonderful ribs.

We really didn't want the evening to end, but we were really stuffed. So, we hung around outside of the restaurant taking some pictures before leaving. Here's Edie outside of the part of the building that looks like a jailhouse.

And here's a picture of my friend Debbie and my brother Ed as we were all saying good-bye after a real fun evening.

All in all, it was a good night. The restaurant really is a fun place, the drinks were well made, the food was tender and flavorful, we had lots of laughs, and there was no cooking or cleaning up for any of us to do.