Laurie F


Laurie F
Reston, VA
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Life & Events > Long Overdue Thank You

Long Overdue Thank You

I want to thank everyone who sent prayers,thoughts and support to my family,after my granddaughter was molested.
I could not reply to your comments at the time.I was just so upset that I wanted it all to be a bad dream.
I visited my granddaughter last night and brought over some toys for her.She seems to be doing fine at the moment.I hope things stay this way and she forgets what happened to her.
I do have more information on this man.He has already spent 6 years in prison for the same crime of sexual battery of a child younger than 12.He is/was on 10 years probation.He has violated this probation 3 times already.Each time they let him out.
He comes from a wealthy family,which may explain why he keeps getting set free.This is my greatest fear,that he will get released again.
I check constantly to see that he is in jail still.He has no bond and no trial date has been set.
If he is released,I fear for my granddaughters safety.They will have to move,so he does not try to harm her for telling what he did to her.
I just hope and pray that he stays in jail for a very,very long time.
I also wish everyone will pray for Caylee,the little girl missing in Orlando,Florida.
XOXO Laurie

posted on July 22, 2008 4:51 PM ()


Thanks very much for your kindness & prayers, I've heard it's supposed to "get easier" but I don't think it ever will.

Oh Laurie, God bless your little sweetie & heal her!! I pray this monster will get what he deserves and more. I'll pray for your gdaughter & family!
comment by dkelly on July 30, 2008 1:17 PM ()
comment by strider333 on July 28, 2008 11:47 PM ()
Warmest wishes for you and your family.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 25, 2008 4:39 AM ()
comment by catdancer on July 24, 2008 9:57 PM ()
The judge is right, but it sounds like you're on top of things. Hang in there.
comment by solitaire on July 23, 2008 4:59 PM ()
will continue to keep her in my prayers laurie. please keep us updated on this, we all want to see justice served as well.
comment by elkhound on July 23, 2008 7:17 AM ()
My advise to you would be: contact the prosecutor, not just the office, the specific attorney assigned to handle the case. May him/her know how involved you intend to be in following the progress of the case and ask to be kept apprised at every significant step. By doing that, you personalize this case and make it stand out in the prosecutor's mind and upgrade the handling of the matter. Also ask to be notified of court dates so that you can attend. If there is a victim advocate in your jurisdiction, make friends with her (they're always women...). Sometimes they're associated with the sheriff's office, sometimes the prosecutor's office.
comment by looserobes on July 22, 2008 7:09 PM ()
Man o man... the perp's themselves say that they can't be cured. Why do they let them out?????
Best wishes to you and your family.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 22, 2008 5:21 PM ()
Thank you so much.
comment by dogsalot on July 22, 2008 5:13 PM ()
comment by jondude on July 22, 2008 5:10 PM ()

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