Being called in once again as I was, prompted me to come up with my top 10 excuse for NOT going to work, or at the least valid, if not made up excuses!!
10)My phone was unplugged and/or dead, so I couldn't find/hear it!
9)My damned cat chewed on the cord so now I have to buy a new phone!
8)I was in the shower/bath/masturbating and missed the ring.
7)I stepped outside for a sec and did'nt check my messages when I came back in.
6)I was mowing the lawn/shoveling the driveway.
5)Went on a road trip!
4)Was so engrossed in my movie I missed the call!!
3)I was drinking!
2) Was breaking up a fight with the neighbors and the other neighbors....crazy people I live by!
And the number one excuse for NOT going into work when called?
1)I got lost on