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Religion > Easter


Easter – tinsel-covered chocolate eggs and over-eating... what a debt we owe our forebears who celebrated the end of a bleak and hungry winter with a festival to welcome spring. Australians, of course, are not starving and are probably celebrating the end of a heat wave or rain rather than looking forward to winter, but a bellyful of chocolate might cushion the blow of another interest rate hike.
Christianity puts its own spin on the ancient celebration. Instead of celebrating the symbolical ‘death’ of winter hunger, and the ‘rebirth’ of spring with the promise of plenty, Christians swapped symbols for the Real Thing!
Easter became a celebration of Human Sacrifice in which the god/man was murdered on Friday, and
re-born the following Sunday. As if this wasn’t miraculous enough, they also declared the sacrificial victim to be a ‘scapegoat’.
It was normal in those days to sacrifice goats and sheep to keep gods happy, but Christians topped this by sacrificing a living human, so their god would forgive the sins of everyone else!
I guess we should be happy about this, but the morality is troublesome. If someone does an evil act, is it ok for the courts to send an innocent man to jail instead? If not, why not? The Christian god did it. It’s scarcely a good example to set children. Wouldn’t it be better for people to take responsibility for their own actions and enjoy the cycles of nature without sacrificial blood-letting?

posted on Mar 17, 2008 4:04 AM ()


Excellent post. Replies to comments great, esp. the "what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
comment by solitaire on Mar 18, 2008 7:00 AM ()
Most christian holidays have origins in ancient faiths. That is why the oldest religions fascinate me the most. I have to agree also with the others,,, What is that fly on?
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 17, 2008 6:33 PM ()
Okay, what's the fly on????
comment by greatmartin on Mar 17, 2008 4:42 PM ()
What IS that fly sitting on? Do I really want to know?
comment by nittineedles on Mar 17, 2008 11:46 AM ()
I've never been able to wrap my head around "sacrifice". It just doesn't make any sense to me.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 17, 2008 11:45 AM ()
Too much talk about religious stuff gives me a headache...a malted milk egg might make me feel better.
comment by looserobes on Mar 17, 2008 11:07 AM ()
Not too bright on these subject.Summer there all ready.
Wow,we are still having winter my friend.
comment by fredo on Mar 17, 2008 11:02 AM ()
See I suppose I have a different take because I am Christian but on the same note I do not denounce the Pagan Celebration of Easter and understand that Easter right down to the very name is taken from pagan holidays because they were combined and Christian like Easter is more an Observation.

Keeping in this vein of thought though the very pagan faiths you speak of that celebrated easter as a fertility holiday were as blood thirsty as the Christians of the time if not more so. On of my big pet peeves is how neo-paganism makes nice of these blood thirsty faiths and chooses to paint them in this nicey nicey tree hugging light when they were nothing of the sort.

I am not condemning these faiths at all but condemning the people who choose to "claim" them now while picking and choosing which parts of the faith to adopt much like modern Christians.
comment by mmmhollywould on Mar 17, 2008 6:45 AM ()
For me its hard to imagine you now have summertime while we almost say goodbye to the winter.Nice pic!
comment by itsjustme on Mar 17, 2008 5:46 AM ()

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