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Clovis's Comments

Dear Sunlight, thanks for your comment. I came to MyBloggers to escape the nastiness in Blogster. I think the people in mybloggers are some of the nicest around. and surely no one could be more political and sane and interesting than ekyprogressive? My only reason for leaving is I haven't the time to read and comment. my email box is full every morning and instead of doing what really needs doing, I end up reading and commenting. My major problem is that despite the best satellite broadband available here in this outpost of the planet, it still takes up to a minute to arrive at my messages, or for the reply box to come up.... and I simply haven't the time. As for blogster being bigger... surely it's better to have a room full of friends than a stadium full of bitching antagonists?
Comment on MyBloggers/ Blogster??? - Aug 11, 2008 10:38 PM ()
Very elegant piece of furniture.
Comment on The Sofa Bed - Aug 10, 2008 7:44 PM ()
You didnt upset me... I enjoy having a rant. Today I declared war on all ducks because a pair keep using our ornamental fishpond for a toilet! I understand your frustration and share it when the tiny ants bite me in bare feet, or I kneel near a bull ant nest... it feels as if youve been stabbed with a blunt needle and the pain lasts for hours.
Comment on Ants! - Aug 10, 2008 4:52 AM ()
Never apologise... it was interesting... What beach do you go to? is it far? do you surf? is the water cold? I'm glad Mike has had at least one good day for his holiday.Enjoy because it will soon be autumn [I think you guys call it fall.]
Comment on Momenta (Enjoy the Day) - Aug 10, 2008 4:48 AM ()
Does this guy appear on Foxrel? Humans have always acted like this, only in the past no one was allowed to spread the word, so things have improved slightly... I suppose.
Comment on Lied to War: More Evidence Emerges.. - Aug 10, 2008 12:14 AM ()
Someone else famous for being famous?
Comment on I'll Be Buying It! :O) - Aug 9, 2008 3:43 PM ()
Ok... You get rid of the ants, sunlight will take care of the spiders, poachers are exterminating all primates except humans, foresters are destroying the habitat and therefore the millions of species of plants and animals, reptiles, birds, insects, mammals... living in forests, farmers and horticulturalists are destroying all insects, fishermen are destroying all fish, draining wetlands has destroyed millions of birds... gosh, isn't it great to be human?... It wouldnt surprise me, Looserobes of you did see the end of ants, because even they can't exist without other life. Neither can humans of course, but they're too stupid to realise that.
Comment on Ants! - Aug 9, 2008 12:33 AM ()
Jesus Accused of having a wife and child? You make it seem like a crime.
Comment on John Edwards Admits to Affair. - Aug 9, 2008 12:24 AM ()
Come on Fredo... You know that politics is the art of telling lies as if they are the truth... I just love this comment. "You can't lie in politics and expect to have people's confidence." what utter rubbish... remember weapons of mass destruction? That lying president and his followers are trusted more than their opponents when it comes to defending the country. I agree with AJ. The guy is very good looking. Women and men are all after a piece of him. He was lonely and upset with his wife so illl. you and I know that casual sex means absolutely nothing... and it shouldn't be a big deal in this man's case.
Comment on John Edwards Admits to Affair. - Aug 9, 2008 12:22 AM ()
This sort of thing always makes me feel inadequate...
Comment on Doctor Aces Cancer - Aug 8, 2008 5:10 AM ()
Do you also ask questions about the myths of the North American indigenous people?
Comment on Questions of the Weekn - Week 5 (Answers) - Aug 7, 2008 7:53 PM ()
Quite frankly, you have never looked better! All that smoking and you heal so quickly! don't seem fair somehow! But I'm pleased and impressed... what an amazing thing is a living organism to repair itself so well.
Comment on The Scar! - Aug 7, 2008 7:34 PM ()
Don't tell me your summer is already over! Why anyone lives so far from the equator I'll never understand. Thanks for the warning about the Mummy...
Comment on Rain,rain,rain Go Away. - Aug 7, 2008 7:30 PM ()
I wouldnt widen the head, the reason it looks slightly different is that in the photo the head is tilted slightly more forward. Measure the distance between your son's eyebrow and his son's forehead, then see how many times this distance, is the width between your son's chin and the baby's. [the actual distances don't matter, it is the relative distances.] I prefer the painting because of this, Your son seems slightly more open and cheerful and I wouldnt change it at all. if you wanted a photo you would have simply got an enlargement, not made a painting.
As for depression. I find that a long, brisk walk - anywwhere - helps. even if it is raining. walk till depression gives way to rational thought, till problems receed to maneagable proportions, till you realise that life is as it is and there's not too much you can do about it except cope and not blame yourself for anything, but also not feel helpless. Because clearly you are not hlepless. you're a pleasant, talented woman who can take care of herself, and is well aware of her weaknesses... become more aware of your strengths and learn to say "#### you" to 'the world'.
Comment on My Boys - Aug 7, 2008 7:25 PM ()
Most interesting to see photos of you... I think you've put on a few kilos since the USA trip.Your wife looks really nice. the boys resemble you, physically.
Comment on Part 2 of Holiday - Aug 7, 2008 5:14 AM ()

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