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Life & Events > An Apology to USA Bloggers.

An Apology to USA Bloggers.

It’s probably too late now, because I've offended so many people, but I'd like to offer an apology to bloggers from the U.S.A..
I rave about and criticise too often US politics – especially when commenting on other people’s blogs. It’s rude on two counts: It assumes you guys are not able to see such things for yourselves and it seems as if I expect you guys to do something about it, when in fact, there’s little any individual can do except live their own lives as well as possible.
The fact remains that the U.S.A. has the world’s best constitution, and the most secular rules for government. And, I have to say, some of the world’s nicest people. My first visit was in 1973. I came up from Mexico to California, then bussed across the south and up the east coast to New York, before catching an ocean liner to Europe.
Everywhere we were amazed by the friendliness and hospitality, from the down and out parts of the cities where the Greyhound busses had their terminals, to the swankier parts. In shops and cafés, hotels, theatres, cinemas, parks and art galleries.
Since then we’ve flown to California and been amazed at the politeness of drivers, the friendliness of people, the willingness to chat and laugh and offer friendship – even in parts of LA where Europeans reckoned they didn't dare venture.
Sure there’s a lot to worry about, but that’s the same in every country. The government’s not perfect – but no government ever is. The fact remains that by far the most friendly people I've met in over fifty years of travelling in almost every country of the world, have been citizens of the U.S.A. Oh they’re often irritating, loud, innocent, and ignorant... but nearly always very likeable.
The U.S.A., with all its flaws, has been a beacon of hope and a good example for millions of oppressed peoples in the world, and I'm sure it will continue to be so – especially if the bloggers on MyBloggers are any indication of the current generation.

posted on July 29, 2008 3:46 AM ()


A lot of us exercise our jaws by saying rude things about our own politicians. I exercise my fingers typing rude things about them alla time. Heavens to Murgatroid! Not to worry.
comment by thestephymore on Aug 9, 2008 3:39 AM ()
Never fear- criticisms of our politics in no way translates into criticism of our people. Like everywhere else in the world, the people you meet on the streets rarely reflect our political posture.
comment by dragonflyby on Aug 2, 2008 7:33 PM ()
I, for one, have yet to be offended by your stinging comments. I usually agree. We need to hear from our friends across the oceans. I just wish politicians would listen and take advice from "the other side". They are too deaf (and dumb) and stubborn to do so. Apology unnecessary, but thanks for the thought.
comment by solitaire on Aug 2, 2008 6:54 AM ()
If you had insulted Hitler in 1933, I bet plenty of Germans would have gotten on your case. Toby Keith is all over US TV advocating LYNCHING by mobs. Any world citizen has a right to object to that. Eighty=two percent of Egyptian women report being sexually harassed. I post that too.
Keep on calling them the way you see them.
comment by bumpedoff on July 29, 2008 5:17 PM ()
I with James. I never felt insulted. I never thought you hated the country. You just disagreed with some of our government's policies, and you are not the only one with this feelings!
comment by lunarhunk on July 29, 2008 9:46 AM ()
So,that is why you have not been visiting me.
You have insulted me.I am hurt deeply.
Speak your mind my man.This was makes it interesting.Or else it can be boring being nicey,nicey.
comment by fredo on July 29, 2008 9:37 AM ()
What is this? The doberman has had an epiphany? Clovis, if you didn't speak your mind, we wouldn't enjoy you as much! If you've insulted anyone along the way, then they probably missed the point.
comment by looserobes on July 29, 2008 7:07 AM ()
I have never been insulted by any of your comments in the past. I tend to agree with what you have said to me.
comment by ekyprogressive on July 29, 2008 6:06 AM ()

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