Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > Someday Love Will Find You

Someday Love Will Find You

I was on my myspace profile and one of my friends had wrote for his mood and header "someday love will find you".  I do hope that is true.  How many of us can really go without it?
I was watching Desperate Housewives tonight (and no, not necessarily a show about real life) and one of the women who has had more men than pairs of panties tells another who has had her share of marriage and relationship troubles that this character has holes in her heart and the only thing that fills them is a pair of trousers. 
I think that this statement may be true for a lot of women.  I can't speak for all of them, but I do believe that God made us to be with a man (or woman).  Perhaps you do not believe in the Bible or God, but you may recognize a higher power and understand that human beings really are not solitary creatures. 
It is hard for women to be alone.  Generally, we like to nurture and love.  Maybe I am confusing this with motherhood, but I really think not.  I don't know about other women, but I just find it in my nature to be caring and giving.  (And if you believe what my third husband coincutter says about me then you are willing to settle for just one side of the story.) 
But this post isn't about him, it is about me.  It is about all the women out there that find themselves having to make difficult decisions about their personal lives and whether they have someone in their life or not.  And what they may be willing to put up with to feel that they do have someone in their life.  I can say from my perspective, I would rather be alone the rest of my life than to be with someone who does not value, respect, and cherish me.  I have settled for forty three years of my life.
My horsey friend likes to quote that verse from the Bible about throwing your pearls on swine.  It means that you are throwing your good things on someone that doesn't appreciate it or value it.  You are basically wasting your time.  Share with those that won't take it for granted.  Don't be used.
I can honestly say that I have never in my forty three years of living made a good choice in a man.  A good choice would have stayed and participated and continued to father his children in the way that God meant him to.  He would have respected and cherished me and loved me as he loved himself.  So I screwed up for awhile.
But no more.  No more settling.  And no more being used, taken for granted, even abused.  I would be better off being alone than dealing with that.
Perhaps someday love will find me.  Find me, not me find it.  It will have to come looking for me, because I am just not going to throw myself out there anymore.  And if love doesn't find me, I still have myself.  And all the love I can give to my family and friends.  Not such a bad deal after all.

posted on Jan 11, 2009 10:57 PM ()


We are social beings and it's natural to desire a mate. Hopefully love you find you. Just don't make it have to look too hard!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 12, 2009 10:30 AM ()
It did find me.Forty years ago.
comment by fredo on Jan 12, 2009 10:26 AM ()
You sound like somebody I know, Debbie. One of my best friends in the world is currently divorced. She has been married three times, and, for some reason, she always makes "poor" choices when choosing a husband. She is a sweetheart, a fantastic mother, excellent at her job, and an absolutely wonderful friend. And she is lonely. I just don't understand it.
comment by hayduke on Jan 12, 2009 9:35 AM ()
Not settling for second best in any part of life is a good thing, Debbie. And sometimes that love comes from the least expected person or place. Hang in there. Good things are coming.
comment by janetk on Jan 12, 2009 6:26 AM ()
I don't want or need a man. I need a break from them.
comment by lisad on Jan 12, 2009 12:57 AM ()

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