I got a phone call later in that morning from my daughter who was staying up north with her dad last week and she was concerned about how he was behaving, or maybe not doing anything at all. Apparently he had woke her to take her out to breakfast and they had a nice time. She said he even drank coffee, which he doesn't usually do. According to my daughter he collapsed in the restaurant but was able to get up and drove home, but not without almost running into snow banks. She said he came into the house and almost face planted on the floor, but made it to the couch and fell asleep sitting up without removing his coat or anything else. When my daughter's aunt spoke to him on the phone and he was completely incoherent, then it was decided that 911 should be called. My daughter and her dad rode to the hospital in an ambulance.
Because he lives up north easily two hours away, she had to stay with him until I could get there and see what was up. (My ex'es mother and sisters tried to talk him out of moving so far away from here, but he didn't listen, so he was on his own until we got there, since he knows no one there.) R wasn't working and was kind enough to drive me up since my daughter's aunt had appointments on Friday.
I was very proud of my little girl as she was well aware of his medical conditions and knew how to answer many of the necessary questions. After an entire day of him lying in the hospital sleeping and quite incoherent, the tests completed revealed nothing and my daughter's dad was sent by ambulance to a hospital with a neurologist nearer to our home and his mother's home.
On Saturday he spent the day in the new hospital but received little or none of his regular meds as they were trying to do tests and determine the cause of his collapse. Daughter and I went to visit him in the evening, after driving through some snowy weather.
One thing about living out here in the boonies is that a littl bit of snow and wind makes the driving tricky. We passed an accident and almost turned back, but since we were half way to the hospital we continued on.
When we got there, my daughter's dad was irate and checking himself out of the hospital. You have to understand that he is diagnosed bi polar and has had all six heart arteries (I think) bypassed. He also has high blood pressure and diabetes, so leaving against doctor's advice was not a very good idea. I guess it was good we did go, because he said he would just have hitchhiked to his mother's had we not shown up, and I am certain that he would have.
I drove him there and then proceeded to get lost in the dark and the snow when I missed a curve on the road I needed. It wasn't all bad, even though I drove for nearly an hour before I got back on track. I am telling you, I am way out there, and I don't mean in the head!
Sunday was supposed to be a laundry day, but daughter, daughter's aunt, and I went up north to get her dad's van and I drove it back. Their mother was not feeling well and we didn't want to leave her alone so we made sure that daughter's dad would have his vehicle.
I am a kind ex-wife, and it matters not how grumpy the guy was, or how out of it, because for my daughter's sake I wanted to make sure her dad was okay. You only get one mom and one dad, pretty much. (Too bad my son doesn't get this. He has pretty much ended all communication with me since Christmas. I left a message for him to call on his cousin's phone a week or so back and I have heard nothing.)
I am happy to say that my daughter's granny is better today, but I hear she is grumpy. Perhaps she had a touch of the flu yesterday, but we don't know for sure because she can be stubborn too and wanted no part in any medical attention. I guess my daughter's dad has been okay so far, and plans to have the VA doctors run tests and find the reason why he collapsed. I don't like the idea of him still walking around when he should be in the hospital, but that is his choice. Of course, my choice is that our daughter will not go anywhere with him alone until the cause is determined.
It has already been a busy and chaotic year. I just want some peace and quiet. My daughter spent last week with her dad because he didn't come get her until the 2cd and she needed to spend time with him too. I am waiting until next week to send her to school now to see what will happen in court on Friday with her aunt's divorce. This is only the second week she has been out, so she will return soon.
I do really hate living with such uncertainty, but then we are in a safe and supportive place and have some time just to settle for a bit. It is very tranquil living in the country and even restful.
I am glad to see a new week start. Perhaps it will be less busy, quieter, and more productive since we have recovered from the move. Happy Monday everybody!

That is good sign.Your right one mom and dad.Wished him the best with the VA.