So my last three posts were blogs about men, full of humor and only in jest. I was cleaning out my inbox and had received a handful of forwards about men, so I thought I would share. On a Monday, especially after a long holiday weekend and a return to the usual grind, a little bit of levity is welcome. (I can't say that for me and mine; we had a snow day and no school today.)
But seriously, though, I thought I would present the other side. The comments of a man, husband, and father who has obviously paid attention and is at the very least somewhat in tune to what a woman really needs, other than a few chuckles about the other sex. I appreciated what he had to say, and in Red's usual fashion, stated it eloquently and simply.
When it comes right down to it women have very few needs, and this took me a long time to figure out. They need to be held, they don't want their needs(and or concerns)trivialized. They need to know that they are a part of your life, and hold a special place there. They don't always need us hanging around, they need "their quiet time", whether that means time with their bff's or alone. You need to mix humor with heart, love mixed with patience. The beauty of a woman isn't judged by looks alone, it's whats inside that counts..heart, soul, character, and intelligence all go into the mix.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 1, 2008 9:14 AM (EST) [ reply ]