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Early Monday Morning Mutterings
Early Monday Morning Mutterings
Argh! I've been awake an hour now, and up for at least a half hour. It doesn't matter what the clock says (stupid time change). I'm always awake between 7:30 and 8:30 no matter what time I go to bed.
I woke up with my teeth aching again this morning. I think I clench and/or grind them at night. I really wouldn't know, though, because I haven't been told. Maybe it is time to see the dentist again.
I know that because I like to drink a lot of water my full bladder often wakes me in the morning too. I think that it's good to drink plenty of water, as it flushes out your system and keeps the body hydrated.
I am not so good in the morning, however. My spelling errors are greater, and I have a harder time concentrating. I am more of an evening and night person. My second wind usually kicks in then.
My daughter is up with me too. I put her to bed earlier last night in the hopes that she would sleep until 8, or 7:30 at least, but she was up just after 7. Funny, she says the burritos at school are gross, so she is making herself a cold lunch. I did buy some stuff at the store last night that would go well in lunches, so now she is busy doing that, and making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I am still in a haze even though I have eaten breakfast. I don't like to take ibuprofen on an empty stomach, in case it upsets the ole tummy. I tried Ana's Reese's oatmeal this morning, and it was delicious. But I think it needed another tablespoon of peanut butter. Other than that, it was tasty!
My daughter just told me that gym wasn't as "terrorizing" on Mondays, so she wanted to wear one of her older pair of jeans. Something about an "inside kick". I am not awake enough to figure that one out.
Speaking of out, I guess I will be now! Good morning, all. Happy Monday to ya!
posted on Nov 10, 2008 4:46 AM ()
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