Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > Too Much Drama for Weary Mamas

Too Much Drama for Weary Mamas

If the drama isn't happening here, then my friends are getting the brunt of it. Sometimes you can choose who is in your life, and sometimes you can't. And then there are the ones you marry, unfortunately.

One of my friends is having a test this morning to determine whether she will need a biopsy to check for cancer in her breast. She does have family history of breast cancer. Her marriage of four years is below the toilet. I was going to say it is in the toilet, but that would be putting it mildly. Her husband has decided that he wants to be young and free and that she is a liability and would prevent him from such a change in his life. He has been vindictive enough that there is a good chance he has filed false charges against her for domestic violence. Ironically, he is still on probation for domestic violence against her. My friend is frightened that she will be arrested.

Did you know that because domestic violence is so common today and that the police are called to so many that if a person fights back and leaves marks or not, if the other person claims they were attacked then both parties may go to jail?

My other friend cannot as easily deal with her conflicts as going the legal route. Her grown son has mental health issues and is unfortunately declining. He refuses to get help as he denies that there are any problems. It is likely that he will escalate to violence, as my friend's son has done so when living with her in the past.

Serious conflicts and dysfunction are not reserved for the poor or for any race, religion, or creed. It is across the board. Some families and couples just keep it completely quiet. We do not really know what goes on behind closed doors. Do you really know what happens in your friends' and family's lives?

And with the holidays comes added stress and even more domestic violence. The economy only adds to the burdens of already weary adults.

It was peaceful here yesterday, other than two ten year old girls busy at play and of course loud at times. That kind of noise is welcome here.

R has already came by today and started packing his things. We have spoken some but I have pretty much stepped back as I just want to end this chapter in my life. R was kind enough to bring a couple rolls of toilet paper and a roll of paper towel.

So it's Monday, again. I can only cross my fingers that this will be a good day and do everything I can to make it so. ;)

posted on Nov 24, 2008 9:13 AM ()


Me, too, Debbie.
comment by janetk on Nov 24, 2008 5:00 PM ()
Sometimes when it seems like there is nothing we can do, it is the Universe's way of telling us to be still.The answer will usually present itself and if we're still enough, we'll see it.

And then sometimes you need a good friend to say, "f*ck this. This sucks".
comment by janetk on Nov 24, 2008 11:28 AM ()
Enjoy the rest of the week.It has started hasn't it.
comment by fredo on Nov 24, 2008 10:36 AM ()
Have a great week Debbie.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 24, 2008 9:34 AM ()

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