I remember vaguely Flip Wilson using this famous line. People would crack up when he would say that. It was funny to think there was a little devil sitting on your shoulder making you do something.
But seriously, the devil didn't make you do it and neither did anyone else. I am so sick of people not taking responsibility for their actions, blaming them on others, or drugs or alcohol, or some sort of mental defect. For heaven's sake, God (or whomever you believe the Creator is) gave each and every one of us a will and we get to choose what we do or not do. And what we say, or don't say.
Since when is it okay to toss integrity aside and not own up to what you do? And what are we teaching our children by this more and more accepted and condoned behavior?
Yes, we all make mistakes. That is also in our nature, a heart and mind that will never be perfect or sinless. But the worth of a man (or a woman) is found in how that person deals with their mistakes and whether they take personal responsibility for what they have said and done AND for the consequences of those acts or words.
I looked up the definition of integrity in the Webster's Dictionary. Not to ignore the first definition, it stated "Strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct." The second definition struck me as something positive to emulate. "Personal honesty and independence."
I would take that as being honest with ones self and with others. I think that you definitely have to start with yourself. And then once you are honest all the way around, it brings you a kind of freedom.
So that is what is on my mind tonight. I think I'll go look in the mirror now.