I know that Thanksgiving is still far away, but I was thinking that this week has started in such a way that I should count my blessings because I am fortunate. I am also glad that there are two million who evacuated and have survived another hurricane.
-My daughter started fourth grade today and she is happy with her new teacher and classmates.
-Today the high reached 90 degrees but tomorrow will be a more comfortable 82.
-My son began his senior year and said he is happy that he has art this semester.
-The pepperoni pizza salad I made up turned out quite well and was yummy for dinner (I'll share the recipe later).
-Gas is still below $4 a gallon and hopefully it will stay that way since Gustav lost much of his punch.
-Although it was an inconvenience, those who evacuated are safe and physically unharmed.
-People and their pets survived this time around!
-The support and involvement from the federal level on down to the local worked quite well. This is encouraging because there are hurricanes after Gustav.
On to blessings more in the spotlight in this forum...
-We have freedom of speech and can express our opinions without fear of retribution, punishment, or death.
-We can vote for whomever we choose without the government dictating who that should be.
-An African-American can be nominated as a candidate for the President of the United States.
-And a wife and mother can be nominated as candidate for the Vice Presidency.
-We can choose how many children we would like to bring into our families. There is no limit on filling the quiver.
-We can make wonderful, supportive friends across a small wire, and we are connected all the way around the world!