We just finished watching John McCain's acceptance speech and R went off to bed. He is the oldest thirty-year-old I know...lol. I think he gave a good speech but I didn't come away completely satisfied.
There are about 60 days left in this election and I for one will be glad to see it over. I do hope that the best candidates for the job are elected. This is the first time where I have paid so much attention to the campaigns and sometimes it is almost overwhelming. I read my news on the internet, news sites, of course, and I also spend time each day reading blog posts. I do watch television news also, and yes, I am aware that there is a bias where that is concerned.
My biggest concern is that we don't end with four more years of the same (last eight years). Whoever is elected has a lot on his shoulders because our economy is in such poor shape and it is reflected in everything. Our country cannot continue in the direction it is going.
So, the conventions are over and it is back to the road and the campaign. Let's see if the subjects of the speeches continue to be discussed by the candidates. Who knows, by the end of the next sixty days no candidate for President or VP will have any more skeletons in the closet!
carried away.But it was nice of him to dedicate one of our
service man from NH.He invited the parents I think.
Now more dirt coming out on Palin.They are having a field day.