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Health & Fitness > Cancer > The Worst Story Ever

The Worst Story Ever

Worst. Story. Ever. What happened to America? Detainee dies of Cancer.

Tue Aug 12, 2008 at 09:14:20 PM PDT

detainee, a computer engineer working in the Empire State Building,
living in Queens. Jason's wife is a citizen and he has two sons born in
He died in US custody. Held in New England, his body riddled with
cancer. Had a fractured back as well. He was denied medical
examinations and treated horribly until a few days before his death.
 Even though he was told he didn't have much time to live, once he
finally was able to be examined, they made it difficult for his family
to visit. He was barely able to see his little boys, ages one and
three. Shame, shame on America.
nytimes, "Ill and in Pain,"  

Once a robust man who stood nearly six feet and weighed 200 pounds,
his relatives said, Mr. Ng looked like a shrunken and jaundiced

summer he went to immigration for a final interview for his green card
but was swept up into the dentention of our Homeland Security
Department. He spent months in jails and "detention centers in RI, MA
and CT.

In April, Mr. Ng began complaining of excruciating back pain. By
mid-July, he could no longer walk or stand. And last Wednesday, two
days after his 34th birthday, he died in the custody of Immigration and
Customs Enforcement in a Rhode Island hospital, his spine fractured and
his body riddled with cancer that had gone undiagnosed and untreated
for months.

Lawyers are demanding a criminal investigation.
There have been many cases that have stunned us and appalled us, but
this is certainly one of the very worst. It breaks your heart.
This young man, 34, had excruciating pain and did not receive
medical care, and as recently as July 30th he was moved to a new jail,
"dragged,"  in shackles!
The article states that 300,000 people are confined in such facilities awaiting possible deportation.
Although Mr. Ng told his jailers that he had severe pain, he was not
helped, but denied examination. They siad he was faking it. Until he

"For this desperately sick, vulnerable person, this was torture,"
said Theodore N. Cox, one of Mr. Ng’s lawyers, adding that they want to
see a videotape of the transport made by guards.

Lawyers believe this was done to try to prove that the man was
faking. When a judge ruled he had to receive medical treatment it was
found, on August 1st, that he had a fractured spine and terminal cancer.
The article mentions two other deaths of detainees from lack of care.
They got to see him a few hours before he died. He was still under guard.
Oh, America, I do not know you anymore. I am so ashamed.

posted on Aug 13, 2008 6:16 AM ()


My government does not represent me. I am the true America and we would have never let this happen. Just as I don't believe that all Germans were Nazi's. I know that is not true.
comment by teacherwoman on Aug 13, 2008 7:51 AM ()

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