Samak Takes a Dump
Mangozeen, Blogspot
mercurial PM escaped from reporters' questions about the recent cabinet
shake-up by hiding in a Chatuchak market's hong-nam or toilet.
"Can't a man take a dump in peace?" The red-faced leader shouted upon
exiting from the WC after 30 minutes.
Several reporters asked if he had washed his hands.
It's common knowledge that 66% of men don't after #1 and 55% don't after #2.
"I washed them." Samak held out his fingers for the reporters to
smell. "This isn't Singapore.
It's awful, it's shameful. Can't I have any privacy? Should I be filmed inside
while emptying myself? They should be checked to see if they are insane. This
is not human. I was sitting inside, as was my right. Who has a problem? I would
like just to shop and go to the toilet, but they kept filming. Are you
Mr. Samak supposedly departed without paying the attendant the 3-baht fee for
using the bathroom.
No charges are being sought by the police as of yet.
Labels: Thailand