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When The Messiah Comes

Politics & Legal > Senator Ted Stevens Indicted

Senator Ted Stevens Indicted

Ted Stevens Indicted on 7 Criminal Charges
Lara Jakes Jordan, HuffPost

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Stevens, the nation's longest-serving Republican senator and a major figure in Alaska politics since before statehood, was indicted Tuesday on seven felony counts of concealing more than a quarter of a million dollars in house renovations and gifts from a powerful oil contractor that lobbied him for government aid.
Stevens, 84, is the first sitting U.S. senator to face federal indictment since 1993. He declared, "I am innocent of these charges and intend to prove that."
He is accused of lying on his annual Senate financial disclosure reports between 1999 and 2006 _ an indictment that caps a lengthy FBI investigation that has upended Alaska politics and brought unfavorable attention to both Stevens and his congressional colleague, GOP Rep. Don Young. Both are running for re-election this year.
Stevens' indictment further damages Republican prospects in the November election as Senate Democrats, who now enjoy a 51-49 majority, try to capture a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority. Stevens faces both Democratic and Republican challengers who are trying to capitalize on his legal woes.
The Justice Department accused Stevens of accepting expensive work on his home in Girdwood, Alaska, a ski resort town outside Anchorage, from oil services contractor VECO Corp. and its executives. VECO normally builds oil processing equipment and pipelines, but its employees helped do the work on Stevens' home.
Prosecutors said that work included a new first floor, garage, wraparound deck, plumbing and electrical wiring. He also is accused of accepting from VECO a Viking gas grill, furniture and tools, and of failing to report swapping an old Ford for a new Land Rover to be driven by one of his children.
From May 1999 to August 2007, prosecutors said, the senator concealed "his continuing receipt of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of things of value from a private corporation."
If convicted, Stevens could face up to five years in prison for each of the seven counts, although cases like this often result in lighter penalties.

posted on July 29, 2008 11:36 PM ()


Ten men and one woman are hanging on for grim life to a rope attached to the bottom of a helicopter.

The rope isn't strong enough to carry them all and they decide someone must jump before they all tumble to their death. Unable to vote on who should let go, the woman launches in to a very touching speech:

"I'm used to giving up everything for my husband, kids and for men in general. We women always have and always will make sacrifices for men, expecting little or nothing in return. Faced with this knowledge, I'm prepared to voluntarily let go of the rope."
Visibly moved by the eloquence and power of her speech, all the men start clapping...

Kalima, HuffPost
comment by bumpedoff on July 29, 2008 11:54 PM ()

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