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Jobs & Careers > Military > Hero Terrorist Murderer Released by Israel

Hero Terrorist Murderer Released by Israel

Hero Terrorist Released by Israel
Murderer Samir Kuntar.

I met Yakov Marks during the Second Lebanon War. Yakov is an American oleh who has been living in the northern town of Maalot since the 1970's--during the war he showed me around Maalot, which came under heavy Hizbollah fire...

Today Yakov reveals what he knows about the murderer, Samir Kuntar, released least week by Israeli authorities.
From: Yakov Marks, Maalot,E-Mail: big_yakov@bezeqint.net

As you have seen in news reports from Israel, the majority of Israelis
would rather pay an exorbitant price and deal with despicable enemies such as Hezbollah and
Hamas to retrieve those who have fought and died for their country
since we honor our fallen and captive soldiers.

Now we must pray for "our" Gilad Shalit. But our
despicable foes have upped their price since the "victory". So the
final question is,"How much are we willing to pay?" "What will be the
limit?" This dilemma is tearing us apart. How much would you give if it
where your son or daughter? What would you do?

My wife and I suffer this dilemma every Sunday morning, and have been for ten long
years as we drop our third son off at the train station in Nahariyah
on his way back to his IDF base.

My question to those people of good conscience all over the world and
especially those who gleefully attack Israel with their hate filled
propaganda is, "Why has the Red Cross never been allowed to visit
Israeli prisoners, especially Gilad Shalit and Ron Arad?" Here is some
information to consider.

As to the truth concerning Samir Kuntar, a Druse, born on
July 20, 1962 in Abey, Lebanon, please allow me to relate from first
hand experience exactly who "their" brave hero really is. I met the
16.9 year old hate-filled, sexually abused, wild-eyed youth that
murdered Dani Harran and his four year old toddler, Einat that night
April 22nd, 1979 on the beach in Nahariyah.

I had gone to do my nightly volunteer shift as a
member of the Civil Guard in the Meona Police station near Ma'alot in northern Israel.
It was a cool night and we could clearly hear the
radio communications from Nahariyah. Around 11:30PM, myself and
Shabbati Alon, the ex-commander of the police in Meona who was now
commander of the Civil Guard of Ma'alot, went to visit an Arab
acquaintance to drink some strong Arabic coffee. Around 12:10AM we
heard Eli Shachar Z"L answer the call for a robbery on Rechov
Jabotinsky in Nahariyah. Suddenly there were frantic calls. Alon
decided to go towards the scene to clarify what was going on. As an
experienced officer and veteran of the 101 unit and an 18-year veteran of
the Israeli police he felt that in those first moments his expertise
as well as mine as a senior medic were needed, so we drove to the area.

When we arrived on the scene, I witnessed first hand how Samir Kuntar
viciously murdered Danny and then grabbed Einat by the arm and
hair as he used the butt of his rifle to smash her little skull on the

Once he had surrendered, sniveling after three of his comrades were
killed, he was taken into custody along with his comrade, Ahmed
AlAbras. AlAbras would later be freed by Israel in the Jibril
Agreement of May 1985.

Standing near Kuntar, I saw how from abject fear of retribution he
defecated on himself, whimpered, cried and begged. We could have shot
him but the officers said, he surrendered, leave him alone. He was
pitiful. Later, in order to hide his embarassment, he claimed that
since he had been shot he could not have murdered Danny or Einat. I
never saw any wound on him.

During my many years in the IDF Reserves, I served as an EMT Master
Sergeant of a Medical Unit, unarmed and dressed in a medical white coat, that administered medic care under Red
Cross regulations. Our doctors and medics served honorably under the severest conditions
of abuse and threats from the prisoners. We served according to the
best tradition of the Hippocratic Oath and the motto of the medical
corps, "To save Life".

In the routine pre-relief briefing while reviewing the cases of our
prisoners who needed continual treatment, it was recorded in Kuntar's
files that during the required pre-imprisonment psychological
exam it was found that he had been a sexually abused and beaten
child. He voluntarily admitted the information without any force upon
him, how his own father had sodomized him and how as a new young
recruit he had repeatedly been sodomized by his friends in the
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) camp of Rashadiyah, Lebanon, near
Tyre before the terrorist attack in 1979. Furthermore, we learned that as a young
Lebanese Druse the Palestinians taunted him consistently as they
questioned his loyalty to the cause.

Later, while one of the doctors and I were administering treatment to
Kuntar, he readily verified this information freely during treatment.
His fair and conscientious medical care was in glaring contrast to how
Israeli POWs are treated.

When we older reservists served in the prison we attempted to bring
sanity to an insane situation. Many of us were against the occupation
and the persecution of the Palestinians. From our code of treatment we
were respected by the members of Fatah and the Democratic Front who
argued and fought the Jihadists and Hamas. Many times they would warn
us of attempts to harm us. We respected them and were respected in

In the prison camps were we served there were cases of murder between
rival gangs. Gang rape, brutal sodomy, torture and all forms of
physical abuse by their own cellmates were a daily occurrence. Many
times when homosexuals were discovered by their cellmates they would
be abused and tortured to death, their screams muffled by socks
filled with bread dough stuffed brutally down their throats by
their torturers. The torturers comitted horrid atrocities against those they
felt were spies. The worst was how they would treat young boys, just
as they had done to Kuntar.

The hypocrites of Children`s Defense International(Palestine Section)
imply that it is Israeli soldiers performing illegal acts and
mistreating Palestinian prisoners. Just for their information, most of
those guarding the Palestinians are reservists. If this human rights group had even
the slightest knowledge of Israel they would know that 99.5%+ of all
reservists are not interested in losing their personal freedom to even
care about the Palestinians prisoners they are guarding. The reservists would
sit in guard towers or patrol outside the fenced areas waiting to
finish as soon as possible and go home.

The only ones allowed to touch prisoners were medics and
doctors. Every week entire families would come to the prison to visit
and bring food items. These same elementary rights that till today
have always been denied our prisoners held by the Arabs, Hamas or
Hezbollah are a daily occurrence in Israeli prisons.

Let me state that many Palestinians in the camps
suffered from multiple maladies before they were arrested. Many of
them owe my medics and especially our doctors a deep debt of gratitude
for the humanitarian care we gave them 24 hours a day, seven days
a week. We lived like them in the same sweltering conditions in the
summer and in the freezing cold of winter. We treated and cared for them 24
hours a day, seven days a week and there where times where they even honored
us. So for these critics of Israel, they may tell their vicious lies
that belittle me and my dedicated medical personnel. Yet it is these
same doctors who in civilian life care for them and their families in
our hospitals. These same hospitals in the area of Ashkelon in the
south that have been threatened by Qassem rockets have unselfishly
treated Gazans for years. Just like the hospitals in Nahariyah and
Safed that treated Arab Israelis and Lebanese but were hit by
Hezbollah Katyushas during the Second Lebanon War.

In conclusion, please note that though a captive in our Israeli
prisons Samir earned a university degree, received medical care, Red Cross
visits and privileges. He ate good food, as evidenced by his
obesity and he enjoyed his moments with his friends.

Years later, during another reserve duty stint I remember seeing the
new hero of the Palestinians and Hezbollah. He was overweight,
suffering from hyperuricema, diabetes mellitus, dyspnea and severe
water retention from his hypertension. Some hero.

From: Yakov Marks, Maalot,E-Mail: big_yakov@bezeqint.net
Posted by Judy Lash Balint

posted on July 29, 2008 6:14 PM ()


The evils of occupation:
[Palestine: Pregnant woman shot]

The Palestine Video Blog shares a video about a pregnant woman who was shot by Israeli soldiers in Nablus. (Warning: Graphic images)
This is the automatic degeneracy that comes with war and occupation. Nobody emerges from this his morality intact.
comment by bumpedoff on July 30, 2008 1:10 AM ()
The Medics are to be congratulated on their restraint. These aren't men, they are vermin.
comment by elderjane on July 29, 2008 11:24 PM ()

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