Would Obama prosecute the Bush administration for torture?
Obama's brain trust wants to form a commission on torture and call Bush
officials as witnesses, but put off prosecutions -- if any -- till a second
By Mark Benjamin, Salon.com
Comment by NYShooter
I know, I know, another Nazi reference….
As a naturalized citizen and a refugee from the Siege at Stalingrad,
I have a deeply personal feeling about this topic. One can only imagine the
feelings and thoughts that filled the inmates’ minds in the death camps
(Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, etc.) when their eyes first saw a liberating
American G.I. coming toward them, arms extended, a sympathetic look on their
face, and reassuring words, “ Its all right now, you’re safe now, we’re here to
take you home…….we’re Americans.”
At the end of the War my father took advantage of the temporarily porous
“Iron Curtain”, left Russia
and settled in Austria.
There, he immediately placed our names on a deportation list for emigration to America…..two
World Wars were enough for him. Being granted refugee status meant we would be
allowed to leave, but it also meant we wouldn’t be able to take anything with
us..nothing, zero. If the requirement was that we had to go naked, on our hands
and knees; we were going to America.
How vividly I remember, during the years waiting for our number to come up,
our teacher saying to us, “children, we have a surprise for you. We’ll be going
outside, up on the hill, into the big open meadow, where some friends of our
want to say “ hello.” Our hearts a-flutter with anticipation, we marched out
into the meadow and didn’t have to wait long for our surprise. First the sound
of bombers (everyone there knew that sound all too well,) then the sight of a
formation of planes coming toward us at a very low altitude, bombay doors open. We squinted nervously,
trying to catch a glimpse of the insignias on the wings. Just about the time we
were able to see the beautiful sight of American flag decals on the wings and
body of the planes, hundreds of tiny parachutes, each carrying a payload of
Hershey bars, were dispatched and came floating down above us. My love affair
with America,
at that moment, became irreversible.
From the thousands of anecdotal and subliminal pieces of information we had
gotten about America,
we knew our prayers would be answered there. Heaven would have to wait in line.
What I’m trying to say by this personal snippet is………America is
different. The country that Washington,
Jefferson, Adams, etc. gave us is different
than any that came before, or since. The axioms laid down by our founders;
equality for all, nation of laws, not men, one man one vote may be throw-a-way
thoughts to many of us today, but not to me. We’ve seen the sickening
degradation of our country when these ideals were jettisoned and prostituted
during the past few decades of Republican control.
At Nuremberg,
the charge was “crimes against humanity.” If a new Democratic Administration
doesn’t bring to justice those who committed “crimes against the constitution,”
then we will have voluntarily ended the Great Democratic Experiment………………….and
a Hershey bar will never taste the same.
-- NYShooter