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When The Messiah Comes

Politics & Legal > You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

To buy cigarette lighters at three for a dollar, the customer has no choice in what he receives. My treasure included Frankenstein, Osama bin Laden and a purple happy face. For me, this replaces astrology charts from expensive newspapers. As you can read, it also provides stunning material for articles
With the decline of the Red Menace, the USA needed a new Frankenstein a godless psychopath to prop up as villain. Already the recipient of WMD, Saddam seemed to be a good paper tiger villain of choice. Adept at murdering his countrymen, he had no makings of a viable international threat.
Osama bin Laden showed more promise. The chances are he bombed the World Trade Center underground parking lot in 1993. This effort unsatisfactory, the CIA undertook false flag operations in Europe and Asia. The attacks increased the scope, but not the severity.
To be a viable threat, the Arabs needed more clout. The US began to sell nuclear secrets to the Arab States. This strategy relied on disinformation and public ignorance. There is a long road from knowing how to build a bomb and actually constructing one. The process involves considerable financial planning, brainpower and patience rare qualities in Arabia.
To enlist US public participation in the program, the officials attacked the rule of law. Major results from the 9/11 tragedy were widespread fear of the Arabs and a loathing for the rule of reason. The people perceived democracy as weakness and were willing to sacrifice civil liberties for safety.
The public is not angry at the administration for poor management of the Iraq War, but for failing to win it. The people do not understand the object for the military/industrial complex. An outbreak of peace is disastrous for profits.
The prudent administration always takes it easy on the adversary until they can prop up another despot as an appropriate villain.
What happened to the purple smiley face?
He is mocking us. Nobody twisted our arms to drown the country in greed, bigotry and fear. Where are the whistleblowers? Where are the investigative journalists? They are in hiding in a country that punishes doubters and tortures activists.
We can’t all flee to Paraguay.

posted on Feb 28, 2008 8:59 AM ()


My cigarettes aren't fattening! As for addiction, what is that? Wait, I will continue this right after I run outside for a smoke...
comment by jondude on Feb 28, 2008 2:28 PM ()
purple smiling face has turned yellow.
comment by fredo on Feb 28, 2008 9:36 AM ()
Can't you just enjoy your cigarettes?
comment by jtruant on Feb 28, 2008 9:10 AM ()

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