Impeachment Step 2
Tell your Representatives to
co-sponsor Rep. Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment:
And by the end of the hearing, even the
see-no-evil Republican witnesses admitted Congress should consider impeachment.
So what stands in the way of real impeachment
1. 228 Democrats (and 199 Republicans) who
have not co-sponsored Articles of Impeachment against George
Bush. Tell your Representatives to co-sponsor Rep. Kucinich's 35
Articles of Impeachment:
2. Key Democrats on the House Judiciary
Committee who do not support impeachment.
a. Impeachment Hamlets: Bobby Scott, Zoe
Lofgren, and Jerry Nadler believe Bush committed impeachable offfenses, but
they are terrified to support impeachment. Call them to find out why they can't
make up their minds:
b. AWOL Democrats: These members showed
their contempt for the Constitution (and their constituents) by not even
attending the July 25 hearing: Howard Berman, Rick Boucher, Artur Davis, Bill
Delahunt, Luis Gutierrez, Linda Sanchez, Betty Sutton, Maxine Waters, Anthony
Weiner. Call them to find out why they failed to do their jobs - and when they
will support impeachment:
c. Impeachment opponents: Adam Schiff, Debbie
Wasserman Schultz, and Mel Watt believe none of Bush's High Crimes are
impeachable. Call them to find out why they have betrayed their Oath of Office:
3. House Democratic "Leaders" who
oppose impeachment: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Caucus
Chair Rahm Emanuel, Whip Jim Clyburn, and DCCC chair Chris Van Hollen believe
impeachment would hurt Democrats in November. Call them to say serious
impeachment hearings will expose Republican High Crimes and help Democrats at
all levels:
4. The Corporate Media
Despite six hours of in-depth hearings, there
was no substantive coverage in any Corporate Media outlet. Call your favorite
TV/radio talk shows and write to your favorite newspaper to demand coverage of
On Tuesday at 10 pm ET / 7 pm PT, Air America's
Richard Greene will discuss
impeachment with Dennis Kucinich. Guests also include Mimi Kennedy and Tim
Carpenter of Progressive Democrats of America. Listen online: