Economic Liberty
“Economic liberty is embodied in the practice of
free-enterprise capitalism, which functions best if largely unconstrained by
government taxation and regulation.”
This is a lofty statement. If all the components described
the American reality, our nation would be in fine shape. Unfortunately, none of
this describes the conditions on the ground so to speak.
Corporate America
controls 99% of the government and of the media. The idea is to strip the
ordinary citizens of their Constitutional and human rights so they have no way
to redress grievances. Through Federal control of the school curriculum, they
have dummied down the population to be unaware of the rights they once had and
of the duties involved in maintaining liberty.
Law enforcement and judicial officials do not serve and
protect the people. Rather, they work to suppress free expression by
dissidents, whistle blowers and other rowdies who seek liberty and justice for
Deregulation has set loose a collection of robber barons,
organized thieves and seditionists to degrade the populace and to loot the
public treasury.
Very few enterprises are competitive and none of them allow
the free movement of labor, capital and the factors of production.
Dressing up negative campaign ads with quotes from the
founding fathers won’t benefit anyone.