· Dems attack Sen.
Coburn for delivering babies for free
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:09:51 PM · by the anti-liberal · 1
By Michelle Malkin • July 30, 2008
11:07 AM How afraid is the Democrat leadership of truly maverick conservative
GOP Sen. Tom Coburn, who is waging war with Hapless Harry Reid over binge
spending and secrecy? They’re so afraid of his effectiveness that they are
trying to kneecap him with bogus Ethics Committee complaints about his practice
of not charging for delivering babies at the Muskogee Regional
Medical Center.
Coburn continues to serve as an OB/GYN in Oklahoma.Jill Stanek read my mind: If
Sen. Coburn were aborting babies for free instead of delivering them, he’d be
getting awards instead of ethics...
The whole conniving bunch should be gunned down for what they've done to Libby, what they're trying to do to Bush and now this bullst! They just invent crimes and get their frothing liberal dogs in media, politics and education to attack.
A man offers his services free to the needy and this is a crime? And you don't think it's 1984 yet?