One Cowboy Away from Devastation
By Ed Tubbs, OpEdNews
If we invade Iran
this year it will be done using hundreds of sorties by carrier based aircraft already stationed in the Persian Gulf and
from land based aircraft located in Iraq
and Qatar.
They will strike the known nuclear facilities located in and around Tehran and the rest of
the country as well as bases containing major units of the Iranian military,
anti-aircraft installations and units of the Revolutionary Guard (a separate
and potent Iranian para-military organization).
Will this military action stop Iran’s efforts
to develop nuclear weapons? Probably not. It will probably not even destroy all
of their nuclear research facilities, the most sensitive of which are known to
be underground, protected by tons of earth and reinforced concrete and steel
designed to survive almost all attacks using conventional munitions. The
Iranian military and Revolutionary Guard will most likely survive as well,
although they will suffer significant casualties and major bases and command
centers will undoubtedly be destroyed. However, since Iran has both a functioning Air Force, Navy
(including submarines) and modern anti-aircraft capabilities, U.S.
fighter-bombers will suffer casualties as well. This will not be a "Cake
Walk" as with the U.S.
led invasion of Iraq
in 2003 when the Iraqi Army simply melted away and the Iraqi Air Force never
even launched a single aircraft.
attacks Iran either
this summer or this fall, the American people had better be prepared for a shock
that may perhaps be even greater to the national psyche (and economy) than
9/11. First of all, there will be significant U.S. casualties in the initial
invasion. American jets will be shot down and the American pilots who are not killed will be taken prisoner - including
female pilots. Iranian Yakhonts 26,
Sunburn 22 and Exocet missiles will seek out and strike U.S.
naval battle groups bottled up in the narrow waters of the Persian
Gulf with very deadly results. American sailors will be killed and U.S. ships
will be badly damaged and perhaps sunk. We may even witness the first
attack on an American Aircraft carrier since World War II.