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When The Messiah Comes

Food & Drink > Caribbean Food Shortages

Caribbean Food Shortages

by Janine Mendes-Franco
"If music be the food of love, play on", wrote Shakespeare, who could
not possibly have anticipated the global food crisis the world is facing
today.  Rising food prices are a hot
topic with bloggers the world over - and the Caribbean
is no different.  The "music"
coming out of the regional blogosphere is anything but lovely - in fact, it's
downright discordant - as the Caribbean
struggles to find solutions to a crisis that is hitting regional territories
Haiti seems to be feeling the effects of the food shortages the most and The
Haitian Blogger thinks that claims of "success" in the island by the
United States seem hollow in the face of such dire need: 
What of the suffering of the people in indefinite detention, or the hunger of
the poor that is so acute that people are eating dirt and describing their
hunger pains as “grangou Clorox”; like having your insides eaten away by
is being occupied right now.  These
occupiers are being paid with money that adds to Haiti’s debt, money that could be
used to feed the Haitian people is going to feed, house and train their
Blog de Port-au-Prince also believes that the U.S.
bears some responsibility in the obstacles Haiti
Thirty years ago, Haiti
raised nearly all the rice it needed. What happened?  Haiti is far from alone in this
crisis...but in poor countries, where malnutrition and hunger were widespread
before the rise in prices, there is nothing to cut back on except eating. That
leads to hunger riots.
Rice shiptment in Haiti -
Photo by Giuseppe Bizzarri for the UN WFP
Bajan Global Report has been keeping an eye on the global food shortage and
reports that "Haiti
on Sunday named a new prime minister two weeks after his predecessor was ousted
over rocketing food and fuel prices that sparked violent demonstrations
claiming several lives."
Living in Barbados chimes
A few weeks after reports that people in Haiti
rioted about the high cost of food and reports that in Egypt the army had been ordered to
bake bread, the ramifications of a major international food crisis are just
dawning on lots of ordinary people. Here in Barbados, people have just been
struck by the news that local flour prices were increased 30 percent and now
wait to see what impact that will have on bread prices and the cost of other
baked goods. Gasolene and diesel prices were increased here last week and that
too may soon start to factor into the prices of many food items.
The irony of the situation is not lost on him, as he adds:
The situation will be more complicated as the world tries to get
"green" by using food stuffs to make fuel.  Now, we have the oil and nothing to cook in
it. Instead of putting corn into your stomach you will be feeding it, in a
sense, to your car. I wonder what the emissions will be like. Odourless, I
hope.  I just love progress.
But Cuban blogger Ninety miles away...in another country is taking the issue
Let's start by forgetting this corn ethanol nonsense. It is a negative
proposition to begin with. It sounds sexy in this politically correct world of
global warming, but take a look at it. First it takes more to create than the
energy produced. It is physically impossible to plant enough corn to cover our
energy needs, even if we had the infrastructure in place to distribute the
ethanol, which we do not, and the cars capable of using it as fuel, which we do
not. Let's get real. All we are doing at the moment is allowing the vilest
element in our markets to speculate at the expense of the global population,
much of which can ill afford it.
In Trinidad and Tobago, even as the mainstream media reports that
"Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, Senator Arnold
Piggott, says there is no food crisis..." blogger Elspeth Duncan at Now is
Wow is seeing the signs of the times:
Today the front page of the papers announced: chicken prices going up, flour
going up...is there any sign of the Gov't putting things in place for us to
grow our own food so we can be self sufficient? Or is it that agricultural land
is only good for housing? The other day some friends and I were discussing
growing our own food crops and sharing our produce among ourselves.
Her concerns are echoed by Craig Butler at Bahama Pundit, who warns:
If you think that a problem is not on the horizon then think again.  The problem as I see it is that far too many
of our brothers and sisters are going to bed hungry every night.  Don’t just think that this is a problem for the
poor because it is not. The Bahamian middle class has practically evaporated
and can at best be described as the working poor.
Transporting bananas in Cuba
(2006), photo by Pietro Izzo
The Cuban Triangle examines Raul Castro's proposed agriculture policy, saying:
It looks promising. One step alone, the distribution of additional land to
private farmers, is almost guaranteed to raise production and put Cuba on a path
toward lower imports and lower food prices. But much remains to be seen.
The same could be said of agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago - in considering
the reality of food prices in the twin island nation, KnowProSE.com says:
While the Prime Minister tells his political supporters that all will be well,
one has to wonder what sort of mindset permitted the use of agricultural lands
for residences.  And because of that,
agricultural crops are also being grown where heavier fertilizers are required
due to poor soil. And that, in turn, skews development.
But he doesn't stop there:
With the global food prices on the rise with less and less food available, one
thing I have been considering is getting into farming. Imagine that. While
everyone is getting out of agriculture, I'm considering diving into
...which may not be a bad idea, given Bajan Global Report's comprehensive
roundup of "how the global food crisis is affecting our Caricom neighbours
as they too try to grapple with the rising food costs in their countries."
Blogging from St. Lucia, Looshan Ramblings writes:
Hind sight is always 20/20 and we should have not allowed our Agricultural
Stock to be marginalised to only production of cash crops but a a balance
should have been struck in order to ensure a greater level of food security.
Now we are faced with food inflation as has not seen in recent times.
Both can cook, must cook and  Living in Barbados agree,
saying "the crisis is having some worrying ripple effects":
Rice is being rationed! Not in Africa or India,
but in England and the
heartlands of the USA.  In Britain
rice is being rationed by shopkeepers in Asian neighbourhoods to prevent
hoarding; while in the US
Wal-Mart has created a first--there has never been food rationing in the US. The
restrictions are being imposed on retail and wholesale customers.
But Jamaican Gordon Swaby tries to put a positive (if slightly controversial)
spin on the whole situation:
What this food crisis is doing is forcing us to be self reliant; and for that I
am very  happy, after we realize that
products are getting too expensive to be imported, then we will have no choice
but to produce our own. And after that happens, we’ll have more than we need,
You may view the latest post at


posted on Apr 30, 2008 7:04 AM ()


Jason,good point and bringing awarness of this to people.
We do have a crises and it is going to spread here in my
country.This is very sad to hear about these people going
through with this.Food prices are getting out of hand here.
That crap or whatever that is is the stupid ethanol
You are so right and this is a freakiing loser.
Get real out there.
I remember as jonjude talking about rationing during the
second war.I hope that every one is thinking of gardening.
We always have and this year it is going to be bigger.
I have to feed my kids.
comment by fredo on Apr 30, 2008 9:51 AM ()
A byproduct of the ethanol scam is the pollution it creates. Farmers no longer plow. They disc the soil surface, drill the seed into the ground and lay on enormous amounts of fertilizers. The surface run-off carries more phosphates and other pollutants into the watershed. Also, more fertilizers means more energy expended in order to grow corn for ethanol. Making fertilizer also is very, very water intensive. It takes over 9 gallons of water to grow a gallon of ethanol from corn, and then it requires many more gallons of water to make the ethanol in the refinery... not including the many gallons it requires to manufacture fertilizers. So we will see water shortage problems, too.

In the meantime, in countries with meager food supplies, expect unrest, violence and revolutions.

And OPEC says it still sees no need to increase crude oil production.
comment by jondude on Apr 30, 2008 7:45 AM ()
There was food rationing during WW II. Butter, meat, rubber tires, flour, etc. required ration stamps.

Just about everyone now knows that the ethanol drive is a loser. It is a drop in the bucket offered by the government to make it look as if we have a serious energy policy. Farmers are underplanting wheat and soybeans to cash in. Yet they are still getting subsidies for not planting some acreage. Ethanol alcohol from corn does require more energy to produce than it yields, and the future of alcohol additives will not be in corn. Corn is only a temporary and currently available method. Switchgrass and other fibers will replace corn as the renewable source. In the meantime, most food prices will double, maybe triple, over the period, exacerbated by further energy cost increases. AY, what a mess we're in!
comment by jondude on Apr 30, 2008 7:39 AM ()

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