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Jobs & Careers > Military > Brain Altering Drugs to Make Killer Soldiers

Brain Altering Drugs to Make Killer Soldiers

Military Report Touts Brain Altering Drugs, Mind Control To Make Soldiers Want To Fight
Enhanced torture techniques involving interference with brain neurons also explored

Steve Watson

A newly released report for the US military suggests that in the future soldiers could have their minds controlled and be administered brain altering drugs in order to make them want to fight.
The report also touts possible weaponry including "Pharmacological landmines" that release chemicals to incapacitate enemy soldiers and torture techniques that involve delivering electronic pulses into the brains of terror suspects.
The report titled "Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies", detailed here by Wired and here in a London Guardian article, was commissioned by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the intelligence wing of the Department of Defense. It contains scientific research into the workings of the human mind and suggestions for the development of new war fighting technologies based upon the findings.
With desertions rising sharply and army recruitment at an all time low, the idea of the super soldier, a warrior who can be technologically enhanced and made to want to fight seems to be an attractive one to the DoD.
In a section focusing on mind control, the report states
If we can alter the brain, why not control it? [...] One potential use involves making soldiers want to fight. Conversely, how can we disrupt the enemy’s motivation to fight? [...] How can we make people trust us more? What if we could help the brain to remove fear or pain? Is there a way to make the enemy obey our commands?
It concludes that "drugs can be utilized to achieve abnormal, diseased, or disordered psychology" and also suggests that scanners able to read the intentions or memories of soldiers could soon be developed.
The report also states that such mind scanners could be used to interrogate captured enemies, as well as "terrorist suspects" passing through customs.
Given that the "terror watch list" now contains over a million names and is riddled with false information, and the fact that early versions of "intention reading" technology have already been used on airport travelers, such suggestions clearly raise concerns.
The report clearly does not rule out the use of such mind scanning technology on civilians as it suggests that "In situations where it is important to win the hearts and minds of the local populace, it would be useful to know if they understand the information being given them."
It also suggests that the technology will one day have applications in counter-terrorism and crime-fighting and "might be good enough to help identify people at a checkpoint or counter who are afraid or anxious."

posted on Aug 17, 2008 8:08 AM ()


I do believe this kind of drug is definitely believable. Science is making such progress, not only in the good cures and technologies, but also in this kind of thing. If we MUST have wars, which I don't believe we must... why don't they make some robots to go over instead of making robots from human beings? This is bad!
comment by sunlight on Aug 17, 2008 6:22 PM ()
Their technology will one day have applications and might be good enough to identify 3-year-olds at the airport counter who've wet their pants and are anxious about it. It's the incompetence of the government in applying their knowledge that scares me most.
comment by drmaus on Aug 17, 2008 11:13 AM ()

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