My dogs must dig a shallow hole to sleep in every night. Since I have a tiled floor, they indulge their instinct in the beleaguered items I laughingly call my furniture. Consequently, wood chips and mattress stuffing dominate my décor a definite lived-in effect.
As these leftovers are poor stuff as victuals, my doggie crew counts anything soft as edible. I dare not enter my humble home without a bag of munchies.
The Israeli Police State authorities have never acquired this wisdom. They insist on climbing over the walls to conduct warrantless searches and seizures. It is difficult to smash metal doors before twenty-eight sets of canine teeth gnawing at every exposed body part.
Americans generally lack such protections. They live behind shrubs and wooden picket fences easily breached. Their animals are house pets licking the hands of intruders.
The good citizens have forgotten they are responsible for self-defense. They depend on uniformed authorities for protection. They rely on the legal system for justice. The Constitution is in the hands of those sworn to uphold it.
The founding fathers weren’t so trusting. They knew power corrupts, so they set up a system of checks and balances. Nobody could hold a mandate indefinitely.
Who could anticipate a time when Americans would live in fear? Afraid to speak freely, they take instructions from television personalities and administration pundits. They fear to associate with potential enemy combatants who uphold ancient traditions and who espouse causes deemed heretical in high places.
In preparation for Martial Law, the leaders have revoked habeas corpus and the rule of law. They promote a foreign policy based on intervention, preemptive war and torture.
As my dogs, they beggar the future for one night of comfortable slumber.