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Life Begins At Retirement

Health & Fitness > More Odd Weather and First Picnic of the Year

More Odd Weather and First Picnic of the Year

So last weekend we had temperatures in the middle and upper 90s. Today the high was 49. Almost a 50 degree change. And rain. We haven't had much rain for weeks. Not even in April. My fitness center had a senior appreciation lunch for us yesterday. Usually it is held inside but this year they decided to have a picnic outside. Of course, the weather turned cold and windy as they were setting everything up in a big tent. I like being outside. I am outside a lot, especially on weekends. I was surprised at how many of my friends don't go outside at all. Lots of complaining. The food was good-chicken kabobs, corn on the cob, cole slaw, brownies with whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts and cherries on a plate drizzled with chocolate and maple syrups. The kabobs and corn were cooked on a big grill. There was a demonstration on making all kinds of healthy kabobs by a staff member who previously was a home ec teacher. She stressed quick, healthy, inexpensive, delicious dishes and passed samples around. One kabob she made was two spears of asparagus with cherry tomatoes and turkey bacon wrapped around held together with tiny metal skewers. 8 minutes on the grill. She also made a dish with a big yellow squash (acorn, maybe) precooked in the microwave so it was a little soft. This was then sliced into rings, the rings were covered with slices of pineapple and put into a grill basket. 6 minutes on the grill. Presentation is everything so these rings were then put on a plate and sprinkled with feta cheese and dried cranberries. Yum. We all got free t-shirts. There was a raffle and. of course, Bingo. A good time was had by most in spite of the weather.

posted on May 31, 2012 4:27 PM ()


You make retirement sound fun. I think I'll spend most of my retirement preparing new dishes and traveling. Glad you enjoyed the picnic.
comment by jerms on June 10, 2012 9:04 PM ()
That is the beauty of retirement-you can do whatever you want when you want.
reply by boots586 on June 11, 2012 4:55 PM ()
I like trying new things in the kitchen, but wind up simplifying my meals. When one cooks for just oneself, it's difficult to get motivated. Keep your cold temps up north, by the way!!
comment by solitaire on June 2, 2012 6:01 AM ()
I finally got around to reading these comments. Funny how you are talking about the cold weather just one week ago and today it is 90. I still mostly cook for myself even though my daughter and grandson are here with me. They are on a different time schedule than I am. I don't like eating dinner at 9.
reply by boots586 on June 9, 2012 10:58 AM ()
We cherish every scintilla of rain we get because we know how hot and dry
July and August are. Glad you h ad fun.
comment by elderjane on June 1, 2012 1:31 PM ()
We have been almost in drought conditions this spring. The ground is cracking. We had an inch of rain yesterday and it looks like it may rain again tonight. We need it.
reply by boots586 on June 1, 2012 3:31 PM ()
Well, of course Bingo! Sounds like a fun day, weather or not, and at least there was a big tent. I recently made some chocolate waffles that would have been good with all the stuff on them instead of the brownies.
comment by troutbend on May 31, 2012 5:22 PM ()
I don't go to IHOP, either, but I think I've seen ads on TV for waffles with toppings. Come to think of it, when I visited Jeri (elderjane) a couple of years ago we went out for breakfast, might have even been an IHOP, and I got some waffle thing that looked better in the picture than it tasted (fake whipped cream). But I have a giant jar of maraschino cherries (inherited) and some real whipping cream, and some sugar free vanilla ice cream, and some chocolate syrup, and if we don't eat all that ice cream on apple pie and cherry pie with the neighbors next week, I'm going to make some more of those chocolate waffles to try it out.
reply by troutbend on June 2, 2012 12:17 PM ()
Doesn't IHOP sell waffles with toppings? I don't go there but I think I have seen commercials. A little Bingo goes a long way with me. A few games are OK but I am not one to go for a whole night of Bingo like my friend does. She does win big prizes sometime though.
reply by boots586 on June 1, 2012 3:33 PM ()
comment by greatmartin on May 31, 2012 4:30 PM ()
You are correct, sir. Odd is normal now. We had the best fall, winter and spring ever this year. They all ran together and were sort of the same.
reply by boots586 on June 1, 2012 3:34 PM ()

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