Thank you, Mr. Bush, for being my President for 8 years. I'm proud of you, especially your stance for freedom. You may not have always been the perfect President, but in studying history, I have yet to find a perfect President. But, you tried your best and you stayed true to what you believed. You have proved yourself to be a true American.
I know that many of my blogger friends won't even watch this video and they will rant about all your shortcomings. I can understand if they don't agree with your policies, but to hate the way they hate is beyond my understanding. I'm embarrassed at their lack of respect for the office. It is okay to disagree, but to hate and to show such disrespect...... well.... to me it is unAmerican.
Now, we have a new President coming to office. I didn't vote for him and it remains to be seen whether I agree with his policies or disagree... but this I know... I will respect him as my new President. I won't hate him, but I will admire him because he is taking on the very difficult task of running this nation.
Soooo... thank you President Bush for serving our country during a most difficult time in history and good luck to you, President Obama, as you move in to that most prestigious oval office.