Thursday, January 6, 2011
Today's 'Cuddle Up Day' is one after my own heart! It gives
an opportunity to snuggle up with your own cuddle bunny or bear. But
what if you don't have that special someone to cuddle with? Well, you
could cuddle up with a good book on your favorite easy chair or with a stuffed animal in front of the fire. Still, that might be a lot more fun
with someone else to keep you warm or hot! If you're looking for that
special cuddle partner then place a pair of love birds inside the
'Romance' area of your bedroom. If you don't have any small statues on
hand then any image, especially a Feng Shui inspired one, will do quite
nicely. Leave the image in that same space for 27 days and soon enough
you'll find that feathering your nest for some special cooing and
cuddling couldn't get any easier!By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.comFORGIVE yourself if you ever believe you aren't worthy of love. After
all, there were probably things in your childhood or previous years
that created that belief for you. It SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE; every being on
this planet is worthy of love, after all, love is what we are here for,
it’s what it’s all about. Say to yourself now; “I forgive myself for
believing that I was not worthy of love.” Go look in a mirror and say it
out loud to yourself, look yourself right in the eyes and say it like
you mean it. People
who are disconnected from themselves will be as baffled by the
afterlife as they are by the present. For them, cause and effect aren’t
clear. Feelings of being alienated, alone, victimized, tossed around
by fate, out of control, or abused by authority clash with one another.
In this fog of confusion they cannot take responsibility for their own
motivations and desires, and the afterlife may frighten or baffle them.Being disconnected is an illusion from the soul’s perspective. And
however long it may take, understanding, symbolized by light, begins to
dawn. In clarity you realize that “I am” is your basis, not the things
you did. You no longer identify with being a certain person; you now
identify with being conscious, and what fills your mind is fresh
possibilities.The karma you brought into the last lifetime has been exhausted, and
fresh seeds of karma are ready to sprout. Being reborn enters your mind
gradually. For a long period (speaking objectively) you experience
bliss; you have gained pure being, which brings its own fulfillment
regardless of any karma, good or bad.You find yourself in the same gap as the one between two thoughts,
only this time you are aware of uncountable possibilities from which to
choose. You will witness as the dream of a new identity begins to
clothe you, and you will fall into your next life in complete surrender
to past actions that you still know almost nothing about.But all of us can take a more active role in how we reincarnate. The
elaborate rituals in the Tibetan Book of the Dead are designed to make
freedom of choice real, to bring the person fully aware into the gap so
that karma can be shaped, controlled, or even fully resolved.Adapted from Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2006).Read more: