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Arts & Culture > A Spiral with Rhythms of Progress ... .

A Spiral with Rhythms of Progress ... .

Our 30 year Anniversary is this week and I came upon this article. My hubby and I were talking about the spiral and the return back to view 30 years ago from a new perspective.
Sharing for you from

“Our life is an
apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be
drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning,
and under every deep a lower deep opens.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

ARTICLE>>Wendy Strgar
"By A friend of mine gave me this quote framed more than twenty years ago
when I was moving away to a new life. It has been hanging in my home
ever since and has come to be one of the truths that I come back to
over and over about learning to relate. As soon as we think we have a
relationship figured out, we fall into the easy pattern of assuming we know someone.
Then something happens that surprises us that wakes us up again to the
truth that when it comes to the work of relationships, life is a

I have come to know this as a constant in raising my children.
Whether it is a phase that is driving us all crazy or my motherly
confidence of being able to predict their behaviors, I have learned over
the years that this too shall pass, and remarkably also come back
around. Nowhere is the spiral of development more evident than in
witnessing the process of growing up.

Goethe wrote, “Progress has not followed a straight ascending line,
but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution
and dissolution.”

This is the truth about our most rewarding and
challenging relationships. We learn in small and digestible doses the
intricacies and complexities of how to approach, leave space and communicate about the issues that define our relationships. Each time they come
around, we are different and so our ability to work with them is
different and a little more evolved with each turn of the wheel.

To the untrained eye or the impatient heart, this can feel like going
out of the way, falling off track or getting mired in the past.

it is the process of going through over and over that actually moves us
upward, closer to our best and highest selves.

It is tedious work
and time consuming, but it is the only route to new beginnings, to
finding the place where another circle can be drawn.

Today I had this lovely spiral experience with our new CEO. It
caught me off guard, because this was the first time we had made it
around to the new beginning and parts of the route were so challenging
as to making us both wonder if the dissolution was the truth of it.
His skill set, experience and communication styles that are so important
for the balanced growth the company needs now, can either be perceived
as opposite or complementary to my own, depending on our capacity and
willingness to stretch, accommodate and understand. Finding our way to back to partnership was a great lesson in how to see the next circle being drawn."

Wendy Strgar, owner of Good Clean Love, is a loveologist who writes and lectures on Making Love Sustainable,
a green philosophy of relationships which teaches the importance of
valuing the renewable resources of love and family. Wendy helps couples
tackle the questions and concerns of intimacy and relationships,
providing honest answers and innovative advice. Wendy lives in Eugene,
Oregon with her husband, a psychiatrist, and their four children ages

posted on Sept 6, 2010 8:51 AM ()


30 years is a blink in time, no matter how you slice it. Congrats. (My two marriages lasted 19 and 7 yrs.)
comment by solitaire on Sept 14, 2010 5:48 AM ()
What a wonderful post. Congratulations on 30 years of marriage -- that is quite an accomplishment!
comment by justme on Sept 7, 2010 11:38 AM ()
Congratulations on your long successful marriage. It seems like the years fly by, doesn't it?
comment by troutbend on Sept 6, 2010 5:43 PM ()
THANK YOU so much. Yes years pass quickly...and
now it's... day's... so many changes. One day it's this, next, oops no longer...that all changed. Must be those Solar Flares and Planets...swoosh
reply by anacoana on Sept 6, 2010 5:59 PM ()

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