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Entertainment > Sedona Talk Radio

Sedona Talk Radio

Sedona Talk Radio

Today's radio show on Holy Cities and Earth Changes

Saturday Dec. 6, 2008 at 6pm Pacific
The Role of Angels: Understanding the important role of angels are playing on Earth at this time. The appearance of the high cosmic angels on Earth as well as the angels of alchemy and the Creative Principles of the Divine Architect.

Go to the Talk Show Page

About the Show
Widely acknowledged as the most profound mystic of our times, Almine answers the questions most asked by listeners about prophecies leading up to 2012, the secrets of the hidden realms, the ascension of the planet and man, the role of the Goddess and white magic, and other metaphysical topics. She will explain the unseen kingdoms, such as those of angels, dragons, fairies, and she will also explain how changes in cosmic laws have strengthened the effectiveness of healing modalities.

About Almine
Almine is endorsed and described as one of the greatest mystics of our time by world leaders and scientists alike. While other way-showers gather more and more students, she helps create more and more masters. Her work represents the cutting edge of mysticism; that place where the physical and the non-physical meet and new realities are born. It is here where change is rapid and insight comes quickly to wash away years of stagnation.

In February of 2005, Almine’s body underwent a transfiguration, changing from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye. Her books have been a roadmap to lead others into the same mastery and beyond. Masters populate her classes and are a fulfillment of a mission given to her in January 2005: prepare the leadership for a Golden Age about to be birthed on Earth.

Having lived as a Toltec Nagual (a specific type of mystic dedicated to a life of impeccability and setting others free from illusion) for most of her life, her insights into cosmology and man’s role within the macrocosm are ground-breaking. Pushing illuminating insights even further than previous Toltecs have done, she has managed to solve mysteries that plagued Toltec seers for eons.

Throughout history, the majority of spiritual masters and gurus who have entered mastery have withdrawn from society. This is understandable because words seem inadequate to describe experiences such as coming face-to-face with the Infinite and the physical act of speaking becomes laborious. Almine’s gift is her ability to convey these experiences by rendering the unspeakable understandable. She feels it is time for people to understand that they can choose to claim mastery as their constant reality and remain functional in society.

Words to describe the unknowable flow through her and when shared with others often leave them feeling as though they have touched the face of God. Her revelations bring answers to questions that have plagued mankind since the dawn of time, revealing the origin and meaning of human existence.

Her journey has become one of learning to live in the physical while functioning in eternal time and maintaining the delicate balance of remaining self-aware while being fully expanded.

Learn more about Almine on her Website at:

Upcoming Shows

December 6, 2008

The Role of Angels: Understanding the important role of angels are playing on Earth at this time. The appearance of the high cosmic angels on Earth as well as the angels of alchemy and the Creative Principles of the Divine Architect.

Talk Shows
Becoming A Talk Show Host
Being Interviewed on a Talk Show
Psychic Safari with Sydney
Clear Insight with Julie Farha
Our Wondrous World with Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
Opening the Doors of Heaven with Almine
The Mystical Roadshow with Koz Kritzer and Lisa T
The Kerrie O'Connor Show
Nuture Net Radio with Kitty McKay
Cafe Zodiac with Alan Kinner
Dispelling the Myths with Kaleah
Journeys from the Heart with Lori Rubenstein
World Fellowship Hour
Angel Talk Cafe with Joy
Conversations on Attitudinal Healing with Drs. Jerry and Diane
A Course In Miracles with Beverly Hamilton
Keeping The Path Lit with Sonya Haramis
At The Movies with Joanna Paxinou
Letting Go with Guy Finley
Now That's What I'm Talking About with Louise Aveni
Evenings With Elvis
Previous Talk Shows
Good Morning Planet Earth with Daniel and Kaleah
Conversations With Daniel

posted on Dec 5, 2008 9:52 AM ()


Hey, she is from Dublin. How neat is that?
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 5, 2008 5:17 PM ()
So she's a physical angel? I'm still in the wondering stage. Maybe I'll go listen to "Evenings with Elvis" and find out for sure.
comment by sunlight on Dec 5, 2008 10:46 AM ()

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