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Inspirational Thoughts

Arts & Culture > Quotes and Pictures ... .11/30/08

Quotes and Pictures ... .11/30/08

You are never given a wish without also being given

the power to make it come true.
Richard Bach


If the doors of perception were cleansed,

everything would appear as it is - infinet

William Blake


A man travels the world in search of what he needs
and returns home to find it.

George Moo


We all like to think we have some control over the events in our lives, and a
lot of the time we can fool ourselves into thinking that we really are in charge. But then something happens to remind us that the world runs by its own rules,
not ours, that we're just along for the ride, and part of the equation.

Leslie Bohem

quotes and pictures from

posted on Nov 30, 2008 8:34 AM ()


I like the third one there.
comment by fredo on Nov 30, 2008 1:55 PM ()
There have been angels in my life,
While they haven't arrived with a blast of trumpets
Or a rustle of wings, I've known them just the same.

They performed their acts in human guise,
Sometimes borrowing the faces of family and friends,
Sometimes in the form of a stranger lending a hand.

You have known them, too,
When just the right word was needed,
When a tiny act of kindness made a great difference.

Or perhaps you heard a voice whispering in the night of sorrow,
The words not quite clear but the meaning unmistakable:
"There is hope, There is hope."

May your angels watch over you
And always keep you safe
And whisper in your ear
To banish hate and fear.

~Author Unknown
comment by anacoana on Nov 30, 2008 8:40 AM ()
Your project can be anything from streamlining household routines to launching a new business. It can be your hobby or the process of finding the ideal job. Even your relationship with a significant other or family members can benefit from the dynamic energy you invest into it. While there may be times when an outside influence motivates you to make improvements or changes in your life, your vitality is a source of self-motivation. When used in combination with your intuition, you can see ways to make the most of this energy in order to benefit your life for many days to come. Whether this means pursuing business opportunities or fully enjoying the vacation you’ve been waiting to take, aligning this energy with heart, mind, and spirit today ensures that you use it to its best advantage.
comment by anacoana on Nov 30, 2008 8:37 AM ()

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