"The Bishops Wife", I watched this Classic from 1947, can't believe I had never seen this original version. I loved it! Better than other Holiday Classic I feel.This is now my favorite Christmas Story.
What is yours?

1-Wrapping paper or gift bags?
2-Real or fake tree?
3-Hot chocolate or apple cider?
4-Favorite gift received as a child?
5-How many nativity scenes?
6-Worst gift ever received?
7-Favorite Christmas movie?
8-When do you start shopping for Christmas?
9-Have you ever recycled a present?
10-Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
11-Clear lights or colored?
12-Favorite Christmas song?
13-Angel or star on tree?
14-Some Christmas Traditions-
15-Hardest person to buy for?
16-Easiest person to buy for?
17-Worst Christmas?
18-Things I like about Christmas?
19-What I wish I could change about Christmas?
Answer in comments if you care to share.