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Life & Events > The Grand Canyon New Information

The Grand Canyon New Information

Sep 29, 2008
The Grand Canyon: Part One

The Grand Canyon is approximately 400 kilometers long, 28
kilometers wide, and almost two kilometers deep. Could
erosion by the Colorado River be the only factor in its

(I couldn't believe in the theory of the Colorado River erosion ..ana)

The Grand Canyon from space.
Credit: Rick Searfoss, retired Space Shuttle commander

face of the earth presents many problems for geologists,
not the least of which is that the Grand Canyon is supposed
to have been formed by the Colorado River.
As recently as
six years ago geologists were working with four different
and mutually exclusive models of the canyon's creation. At a
special meeting they managed to winnow the four theories
down to two—neither one of them satisfactory—with more than
one reason to refute them both. One geologist noted that the
only way the Colorado River could have carved the canyon is
if it came out of the sky.

A few basic
facts are necessary to gain a perspective. The Grand Canyon
is surrounded by an
elevated landscape with the canyon running through it
from east to west. The underlying rock strata in the region
rises and falls over an area known as the
Kaibab Upwarp, while the river descends through an
elevation differential of 2100 meters. Water does not flow
up over a mountain range nor does it run sideways along
sloping terrain, so all theoretical models that insist on
water erosion propose that the entire area was slowly
uplifted at the same rate as the river eroded the canyon.
This process is said to have taken place in a time span of
between four million and 400 million years.

The geological
models also incorporate natural dams across the river
channel that caused reversals in the river flow and were
then subsequently breached, allowing the river to resume its
previous course. However, a pertinent objection to that
theory is that there is no evidence water flowed back into
the ends of the
giant side channels that join the chasm with the river.
Perhaps the most significant challenge to the prevailing
theories is the disappearance of almost 1300 cubic
kilometers of material that is supposed to have been washed
downstream—there is no large delta at
the mouth of the Colorado River containing the debris.

images, as well as pictures taken by astronauts in orbit,
seem to indicate that the Grand Canyon is an
enormous Lichtenberg figure, in other words, a gigantic
lightning scar. As the Electric Universe hypothesis
suggests, electric discharge machining (EDM) might account
for the Canyon's appearance: steep walls, thousands of
layers, brachiated
side canyons at practically every scale, and periodic,
hemispherical "nips" cut into each rim.

possess few tools that can help them understand planetary
scars caused by EDM because there are no courses in
electricity needed to obtain a degree. But electrical
engineers and plasma physicists are taught that charged
objects immersed in electric fields develop protective
sheaths known as
Langmuir sheaths, named after plasma pioneer Irving
Langmuir. The sheaths isolate the charged objects (or plasma
clouds) from one another in envelopes made up of double
layers. If the charged objects are planets, then they are
normally surrounded by tear-drop-shaped, double layer

It is known from
laboratory experiments that if two charge sheaths touch one
another there is an
exchange of electrical potential until they reach
equilibrium. If the current flow is large enough, there will
be a visible arc and a flash, otherwise known as a lightning
bolt. The planetary scarring hypothesis interprets the
laboratory experiments using a scaled-up approach. If the
smaller charge sheaths interact in a certain way, then the
larger planetary plasmaspheres will act in similar fashion,
releasing gigantic lightning bolts.

Discharges of
such magnitude are capable of stripping rock and gas from a
planet with far greater energy than the comparatively puny
force of gravity. Since the rim edges of the Grand Canyon
are sharp and do not show much erosion, then an argument
could be made for a recent formation. It is therefore
possible that the Grand Canyon, as well as the entire
Southwestern region was recently etched with EDM forces
on a colossal scale in an encounter with another planetary
body. The surface biota, soil and rock, and most of the
water was obliterated.

Birkeland current in contact with the Earth might act
like a rotating augur, drilling deeply into the bedrock,
removing the material, and accelerating it up and away from
the point of contact. The effect might be thought of as an
electric vacuum, charging the debris in an expanding
electric field and then blasting it upward through the power
of like-charge repulsion.

EDM effects in machine shops strip
uniform layers from the substrate while leaving essentially
a vertical wall and a flat, new surface. In an
interplanetary EDM, the rotating current would tend to lift
up sections of strata that would leave a terraced effect and
layered appearance, much like what is seen in the Grand

Contributed by
Michael Armstrong


posted on Sept 29, 2008 12:23 PM ()


Really interesting. I'm still going with the "Finger theory". God's finger, that is!
comment by redimpala on Sept 30, 2008 5:40 PM ()
comment by marta on Sept 29, 2008 5:59 PM ()

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