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Education > Nde ... Discussion ... Who Have Died and Are Back

Nde ... Discussion ... Who Have Died and Are Back

(See related and different information about latest research and angels in the NDE. Ana
excerpt from this wonderful link.

All NDEs ever submitted to NDERF since 1998 have now been posted! 1/13/2008

"My life was a piece of tapestry and I realized a man with a cloak and a grey beard was looking at it with me, he asked me if I would like to take a closer look at it and we zoomed into one of the stitches and I saw myself in a past situation of my childhood like watching a video in full color 3D . . whilst the event was being played, I realized I was feeling ashamed of my actions and shown the outcome, I saw in all those stitches every event of my life and the bearded man said it wasn't so bad and evened it up with some of the nicer things I had done in my life. . . I saw the back of the tapestry and I asked why there were so many loose strings, it looked untidy and he said it wasn’t finished yet. . .Now I know what they mean by Life's Rich Pattern and the Tapestry of Life!!!” Vivienne

From Vivienne’s comment, one can quickly understand the immensity of the life review, the vast variety, and the amazing depth contained in one set of symbols. It is also easy to understand why one might live the rest of their life with this vision as a touchstone to future actions. Moreover, it also gives one a sense of universal order/purpose and would be a catalyst for changed beliefs and consequently a change in the way she lives her life.

In a recent Dutch NDE study headed by van Lommel, he noted that during the 8 year prospective study that the life-change inventory had statistically significant values in the areas of social attitude, religious attitude, attitude towards death and a category of “others” (van Lommel, p. 2042). The social attitude listed the factors of showing own feelings, acceptance of others, more loving, empathic, understanding others, and involvement in family. Religious attitudes that were significant included understanding the purpose of life, sense inner meaning of life, and an interest in spirituality. The attitude to death showed a marked decline in the fear of death and a belief in life after death. The other category consisted of an interest in the meaning of life, understanding oneself, and an appreciation of ordinary things. This study corroborates the findings of the Dutch study and expands on these concepts.

The top three categories for both, changed beliefs and life changes, are the same: 1) "Religion/Spirituality" 34.90% and 11.83% respectively; 2) "Continuity of life, lack of fear of death" 29.41% and 11.24% respectively; and 3) "Lifestyle and embracing life" 10.59% and 10.06% respectively. Interestingly "love" matters and helping others is high on the list of changes, but not so many mention specific people, groups of people, or relationships in their changes. One of the findings of the study entitled, “Another Look at Beings Encountered During the Near Death Experience,” was the importance of blood relatives in our spiritual growth. (Long, Jody 2002). Therefore, one would have expected a higher response rate on changes by specifically mentioning the particular relationships pertaining to blood relatives or family.

The unifying concept for universal order and purpose is that what we experience on earth is part of a natural and continual evolution of our individual souls. There is birth here so that we can learn lessons and help one another to grow. When we leave this planet, we reunite with God/Jesus/Supreme Being to become one with the universe. We are all interconnected on the soul level, but for some reason, when we come to earth, we are fragmented or forget who we really are.

There is a powerful motivation to become reconnected with spirit while we are on earth. In The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck defines love as, “The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth (p.81)” This research also validates Peck’s clinical observations. As mentioned in Soulmates and Consciousness, New Understandings from Near-Death Experience Research (Long, Jody 2002) and Emotions and the Near-Death Experience (Long, Jody 2003) and supported by results from this study, love and the will to extend love towards self and others is the key component of spiritual growth. Emotions are a soul constant that exist in both worlds (Long, Jody, 2003). Additionally, in Lessons from NDEs About the Fourth Dimension, it is speculated that love is not just an emotion that we experience on earth (Long, Jody 2002). It is possible from the evidence that love is actually a part of a fourth dimensional communication matrix. If so, then perhaps part of our purpose on earth is to strengthen our soul in a manner that increases our so-called communication skills.

A natural by-product of learning to love ourselves and others is reconnecting with the other side. Through exercising the choice to love, we grow precisely from our exposure to a world filled with dualities. This type of soul-growth opportunity does not exist on the other side where there is total love, knowledge, and understanding.

As mentioned earlier, the biggest catalyst for changes appears to be the life review. Not one person who commented on this question said that anyone other then themselves was the judge of their actions. Furthermore, they appeared to judge themselves on their actions and how those actions made others or themselves feel. There were many insightful comments:

“I felt as if life memories were running out of me, they were like flashes of things."
– Sheri

"No judgment other than how I felt about the incident.” – Bob A.

“Fear is at the core of our mistakes.” - Sheila

"What have you done to help your fellow man?” - Susan

“I saw how my actions rippled through the lives of others.” - Dee

“The car accident was not my fault, so I understand that many tragic events may not be my fault.” - John

“I saw my childhood and felt the emotions my action created in others. I learned that many of the things I thought I did "wrong" were not necessarily wrong. I also learned of opportunities to love others which I passed up. I learned that no matter what has been done to me, there is more to the story that my ego might not see or understand. My life has assisted because I take into account more the feelings of others when I act.” - David O.

From these comments and others, it is striking that the life review does not happen like many people are taught to believe. The notions of a higher being judging us on our actions and then sending us to heaven, hell, or any other place, doesn’t appear in any of the 143 responses. Furthermore, the life review appears to be a loving act and we individually choose to adjust our actions accordingly. Any other beings present during the life review are there out of compassion and are only there to help individuals. There is the element of correcting behavior in keeping with a greater, predetermined purpose.

Surprisingly, emotions play a big part in the life review. Not only do NDErs talk about how they feel during the life review, but they talk about how others felt as a consequence of an individual’s earthly actions. In many instances, it wasn’t the action that people mentioned, but rather how the action made themselves and others feel. Life changing behavior on earth is consequently adjusted to be more in keeping with this new knowledge. Many people also change from the integration process in adjusting their belief system to more accurately reflect the reality on the other side.

From the answers that NDErs give regarding universal purpose/order, life and belief changes, and the life review, they all point towards love as being the key to life on earth. Ways of strengthening love are in helping others collectively and in our individual relationships. As we learn to love ourselves and to allow our love to nurture our fellow human beings, we are able to reconnect with God/Jesus/Supreme Being. Our soul is afforded a unique opportunity for growth by incarnating on earth. Therefore, the meaning of life is really to be uniquely human by exercising our free will and making the proper choices to nourish one’s self and others – our ultimate tool for soul growth and reconnection with the other side
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MultiMedia Presentation
(1.2 MB .wmv)

Diane G's NDE English expanded version 10/13/02. Suddenly, we burst into the light and a whole new reality was revealed to me, similar to the physical world, but, in this higher vibration, more colorful, more beautiful, more amazing. I saw plants, trees, mountains, lakes, animals, and shimmering crystal-like buildings, some very large and ornate. I saw beings moving about, light beings, going about their daily lives. They don't have physical bodies, but they are distinct fields of energy. They don't walk, they float. They have lives much like ours, but without the struggles and sorrows. They are artists, musicians, dancers, singers, inventors, builders, healers, creators of magical things... things they will manifest in their next lifetime in the physical universe. Great rafting NDE! A must read because of the vivid NDE descriptions and integration afterwards. Also visit her website at

posted on Sept 29, 2008 10:33 AM ()


comment by marta on Sept 29, 2008 5:56 PM ()

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