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Education > This Falls in the Who Knew Category

This Falls in the Who Knew Category


This falls in the Who knew category. I read the article from, in my daily newsletter. After reading the full article, this top paragraph is EXCERPT only, please read whole article at link)

I searched for more info. FOUND LOTS!
other excerpt posted here has more on how to, research etc. ALSO listed
far below are google links I found searching "leaky gut"

What is leaky gut syndrome?

Good question. I’m a doctor and I never heard about it at Duke or
Northwestern, where I trained.  While conventional medicine doesn’t
recognize the existence of “leaky gut” syndrome, many naturopathic and
integrative medicine doctors believe that a “leaky gut” can impair the
natural healing process of the body and impede both traditional and
alternative treatments.

In theory, leaky gut syndrome results from damage to the intestinal
lining that leads to a state of intestinal hyperpermeability, allowing
undigested proteins, fats, waste, bacteria, and other toxins to “leak”
through the gut membrane, which should only allow healthy nutrients
through. These particles can then wind up in the blood stream and lymphatic system,
where the immune system tries to come to the rescue to eliminate these
unwanted intruders, triggering an auto-immune response. While a natural
immune response is usually a good thing, too much can lead to a state of
inflammation, which wreaks havoc in ways you may never relate to
gastrointestinal function. A normal intestinal lining brilliantly lets
good stuff through, while screening bad stuff out, allowing it to be
excreted as waste. But when this membrane is impaired, beware!
see more at link...above

Chronic stress
– Stress suppresses the immune system and can alter intestinal
physiological function, increase gut permeability, and cause
inflammation. A healthy immune system can easily block out typical
pathogens, but a weak one may be overrun. When the immune system is
overactive for an extended period of time, leaky gut can develop.

Inflammation – Anything causing inflammation may lead to leaky gut. This can result
from insufficiently broken-down food or infections of any kind. Maybe
the stomach just does not produce enough hydrochloric acid, resulting in
improper digestion. Larger particle sizes from any food can irritate
the gut lining. Yeast/bacteria/parasites/viruses can all cause
inflammation. Besides the physical damage created by an imbalance of
microbes in the gut, bacteria and yeast give off many toxins.
see Bacteria
see Yeast
see Viruses

What Causes Leaky Gut?

Enzymes and Leaky gut/intestinal problems

Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome may

aggression • anxiety • asthma • atypical
sensory reactions • bed-wetting • bladder infections • bloating or gas •
chronic joint, muscle, or abdominal pain • confusion • diarrhea or
constipation • fatigue • fevers of unknown origin • fuzzy thinking or
‘brain fog’ • indigestion • memory problems • migraines • mood swings •
nervousness • poor exercise tolerance • poor immunity • skin rashes

Besides particles being too large,
escaping into the bloodstream, wandering loose in the body, and causing
havoc, there is another side to consider. Because the food was not
digested and absorbed properly, the person may experience nutrient
deficiencies. In one area, the nutrients are bound up in a manner the
body does not recognize and hailing in the immune system to remove them.
Yet, in another location, the body is starving for those same
nutrients. The biological system is overworking unnecessarily in one
area while shutting down somewhere else because of insufficient raw

Vitamin therapies may target some of
these other systems starving for raw materials. By supplying just the
one or two specific raw materials, we may temporarily fix that part, if
the vitamin can even reach the intended area of the body, but the system
as a whole is still malfunctioning. If the gut is not absorbing food
well, then the supplements may not be absorbed well either. A better
plan is to fix the hole in the boat (heal the gut).
see Food Sensitivities
see Sensory Integration

PLEASE GO TO>>> FOR WHAT TO DO TO HEAL can develop a leaky gut at any time
in their lives. Several factors can lead to leaky gut, either occurring
individually or working together. Any chemical or physical activity
that stimulates the pores in the intestines and keeps them open for too
long can lead to increased permeability. Some common sources follow.

Yeast This is probably one of the primary causes of leaky gut.Yeasts are
single-celled organisms that usually reside in the mucosal lining. Yeast
can grow out of the single-cell form and into a fungal form. The fungal
form grows root-like tentacles (hyphae) that drill deep into the
mucosal lining, poking ‘holes’ in the gut.

Excessive environment toxins –With the detoxification system overloaded or dysfunctional,
environment toxins from either inside or outside the body may build up.
They can irritate the intestinal lining. The constant inflammation and
immune system activity can create a more permeable gut wall.

Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome may

• aggression • anxiety • asthma • atypical
sensory reactions • bed-wetting • bladder infections • bloating or gas •
chronic joint, muscle, or abdominal pain • confusion • diarrhea or
constipation • fatigue • fevers of unknown origin • fuzzy thinking or
‘brain fog’ • indigestion • memory problems • migraines • mood swings •
nervousness • poor exercise tolerance • poor immunity • skin rashes

Besides particles being too large,
escaping into the bloodstream, wandering loose in the body, and causing
havoc, there is another side to consider. Because the food was not
digested and absorbed properly, the person may experience nutrient
deficiencies. In one area, the nutrients are bound up in a manner the
body does not recognize and hailing in the immune system to remove them.
Yet, in another location, the body is starving for those same
nutrients. The biological system is overworking unnecessarily in one
area while shutting down somewhere else because of insufficient raw

Vitamin therapies may target some of
these other systems starving for raw materials. By supplying just the
one or two specific raw materials, we may temporarily fix that part, if
the vitamin can even reach the intended area of the body, but the system
as a whole is still malfunctioning. If the gut is not absorbing food
well, then the supplements may not be absorbed well either. A better
plan is to fix the hole in the boat (heal the gut).

see Food Sensitivities
see Sensory Integration

Enzymes and Leaky gut/intestinal problems

What is Leaky GutWhat Causes Leaky Gut
Problems of Having Leaky Gut
Fixing the Holes in the Boat
Is Malabsorption the Same as Leaky Gut
Link to Research

posted on Sept 4, 2010 10:13 AM ()


Very interesting. I'll read up on it. Thanks.
comment by troutbend on Sept 4, 2010 7:04 PM ()
I get this newsletter also.Loved it.
comment by fredo on Sept 4, 2010 2:13 PM ()
Hi there, I thought this
Leaky Gut" article was very interesting and wondered how many people have it.
reply by anacoana on Sept 5, 2010 7:57 PM ()

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