Could it be>>>A minor solar wind stream flowing from this small coronal hole could reach Earth on or about April 30th. Credit: SOHO Extreme UV Telescope

This strange solar flare came from a patch of sun (N08,E08) where magnetic fields were not intense enough to form a visible sunspot (sunspots are made of magnetism). Nevertheless, magnetic fields were present with sufficient energy and instability to produce a powerful explosion. NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft, observing the sun from widely separated vantage points, recorded a million mph shock wave or "solar tsunami" spreading from the blast site through the sun's atmosphere: movie.
Not bad for a "blank sun." Stay tuned for updates.
SOLAR BLAST: No sunspots? No problem. On April 26th the blank sun unleashed a solar flare without the usual aid of a sunspot. At 1408 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a surge of X-rays registering B3.8 on the Richter scale of solar flares. Shortly thereafter, SOHO coronagraphs recorded a coronal mass ejection (CME) billowing away from the sun:
The expanding cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field late on April 28th or 29th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras when it arrives.
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Earth energies are strong right now. You might get some yard work done, and consider planting some special flowers or vegetables. It's good for you to connect with nature and to relax outside. Take deep breaths and pull in "prana," or life force, from the natural elements around you.
Try to spend time out in nature if you can. You'll feel calmer and more relaxed as you tune into Mother Earth's energy. And don't forget that improving your physical health has enormous positive consequences for your mind-set!
Center yourself firmly on the ground and take a look at the weeks ahead. Where do you want to be in two months? Where do you want to be in two years? Now is the time to take stock in what you've got and plan for future growth. You have a great deal going for you, so don't waste your time on frivolity.