Origami Plane to Be Launched From Space
Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press

March 27, 2008 -- Japanese scientists and origami masters
hope to launch a paper airplane from space and learn from its trip back to
It's no joke. A prototype passed a durability test in a wind tunnel this
month, Japan's space agency adopted it Wednesday for feasibility studies, and a
well-known astronaut is interested in participating.
A successful flight from space by an origami plane could
have far-reaching implications for the design of re-entry
vehicles or space probes for upper atmospheric exploration, said project
leader Shinji Suzuki, a professor at Tokyo University's Department of
Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Suzuki said he was skeptical a decade ago when he first discussed with
experts the idea of sending into space a craft made in the tradition of Japan's
ancient art of paper folding.
"It sounded like a simply impossible, crazy idea," Suzuki said. "I gave it
some more thought, and came to think it may not be ridiculous after all, and
could very well survive if it comes down extremely slowly."
In a test outside Tokyo in early February, a prototype about 2.8 inches long
and 2 inches wide survived Mach 7 speeds and broiling temperatures up to 446
degrees Fahrenheit in a hypersonic wind tunnel -- conditions meant to
approximate what the plane would face entering Earth's atmosphere.
Having survived the 12-second test with no major damage or burns, the tiny
plane theoretically could get back to Earth because re-entry from outer space
involves passing through several layers that last only a few seconds each, said
Osamu Imamura, a scientist who works with Suzuki.
The Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency, or JAXA, accepted it Wednesday for three years of
feasibility studies and promised up to $300,000 in funding per year.
At this point, the proposal faces just one challenge, but it's a potentially
crippling one: There is no way to track the paper craft or predict when or where
they may land.
Critics say that makes the test pointless. Yasuyuki Miyazaki, an aerospace
engineer at Nihon University who is not involved in the project, said the paper
shuttles might not come back at all, depending on the angle at which they enter
the atmosphere.
Suzuki said many things about science "have to be learned simply by trying
them out."
Takuo Toda, the head of the Japan Origami Airplane Association, had nursed
the idea of flying a shuttle-shaped paper plane since NASA in 1977 launched its
first space shuttle Enterprise, a craft without an engine or heat shield that
was used to perform test flights in the atmosphere.
He spent 18 months figuring out how to fold a perfect origami spacecraft from
a plain sheet of paper -- without cutting, stitching or taping it -- and tested
hundreds of designs in the process.
"Then I thought, perhaps I could someday have it fly back to earth from
space," Toda said. "Nobody took it seriously, saying it would burn
Toda and Suzuki first met about 10 years ago, when Suzuki and other
scientists attended Toda's launching of a 6.6-foot-long giant paper craft from
the top of a mountain. The successful flight impressed Suzuki, and Toda revealed
his long-cherished dream.
The effort has been a labor of love. It's had no outside funding so far,
relying on paper donated by the origami association and Suzuki's access to Tokyo
University equipment.
The project has inspired curiosity in the scientific community in Japan.
"You may think it's impossible, but we scientists are all extremely
interested. I think it's a great experiment," said Miyazaki, the Nihon
University engineer.
"No matter how it turns out, a paper craft flight from space would tell us
many things," Miyazaki said. "The fact that a paper shuttle has endured the
harsh environment in the lab tests also provides valuable data for future
aerospace technology."
Suzuki and Toda use origami paper made of sugar cane fibers that are
resistant to heat, wind and water. They spray a special coating onto the paper
and then fold it into shuttles about 8 inches long and 4 inches wide that weigh
about 1.05 ounces. How many shuttles will be released has not been decided.
The pair theorize that with the coating, rounded edges, a rounded nose cone
and almost no weight, their craft will face very little of the heat-generating
friction that causes most damage to vehicles re-entering Earth's atmosphere.
Astronaut Koichi Wakata, who has expressed personal interest in the project,
would throw several origami shuttles into the wake of the International
Space Station, which travels at Mach 20 some 250 miles above Earth -- if the
JAXA feasibility studies pan out, Suzuki said.
Findings from the paper shuttles' flight could be used in developing new
lightweight space probes that would study the upper atmosphere, Miyazaki said.
The results also could help in designing a full-scale shuttle that re-enters the
atmosphere slowly to reduce fiction and heat, said Suzuki.
Suzuki and Toda plan to write a message of peace on the planes in several
languages, along with a request for anyone spotting them to notify the team.
"Just imagine, children around the world would be anxiously waiting for the
return of our origami shuttle, perhaps looking up into the sky from time to
time," Suzuki said. "That would be great fun."
Related Links:
Irene Klotz's
blog: Space Diary
Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency
Stuff Works: Origami
April Fool
cool post, I missed this...