What Income Tax? Tom is Not Guilty of Tax Evasion!
Shreveport attorney, Tom Cryer, won a unanimous NOT GUILTY verdict in federal district court defeating the IRS's claim that Tom "willfully" failed to file federal income tax returns. Tom refused to file tax returns because the IRS could not show him any law making him liable for 'filing' a tax return. NOW, nothing in this Internet Video Press Release is intended to recommend that you cease to file tax returns or meet other demands of the IRS lawful or otherwise. PLEASE... PLEASE... PLEASE do nothing that will give the IRS any excuse to cut you from the herd and drag you off to its slaughterhouse! However, we do urge you to visit TruthAttack.org and fight this grand theft by deception under the protection of your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!
posted on Mar 29, 2008 9:34 AM ()
Too bad more people are not willing to fight the IRS. They are such pricks.