Milk, foot fetishes and a lack of melts, hmmm.... did you carve another pillow, Hon?
Yes, pictures pictures pictures! Thanks for the email. I'll respond ass soon as I can.
He did make a pit stop. I love you, baby
I love you, baby
But the Caddy had the best bottle opener ever in that room!
I wish I coulda seen the look she gave you!
That's some scary stuff. Noone should treat anyone like that.
He'll step up to the plate, hon. And we will have fun, and I'm Jonesin to see you, Pretty Girl. One more sleep. yeah!!!
Very cool!
I told you the mouse was growing on you. you love him and you know my feelings on the roommate. We will have fun both when your here and when I'm there. and the transition has been gradual. The kids love you and they will love you when you get back. Don't have the pedicure. I love you as you are, and I don't want you to stress.
Great pics! I love the smell of ozone just before a storm
That's great!
Excellent! But 46 miles round trip??? wow! I'm glad you get a couple months off from that.